Chapter 6: We say things we don't mean.

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It's a new day and I have a jump in my step, I am SOO ready to have a productive day! I swiftly get the class into the room and start my lesson.

'Who knows what the word idiom means' I ask.

''When someone does something silly you say, hey stop being such an idiot.'' One for the monsters answers.

''Not exactly darling, that's an idiot I D I O T – I mean I D I O M. Idiom is when we say one thing but mean another. For example, when we say don't judge a book by its cover we actually mean giving something or someone a chance before you form an opinion about it. Or when we say that cost an arm and a leg we don't mean it literally cost an arm and a leg. What we actually mean is that it was very expensive. Can anyone give me an example of an idiom?''

'' I have one, Ms Goossberry looks like an idiot when she tries to be funny at assembly'' shares Snotface.

'' No sweetheart, we are talking about I-D-I-O-M and it's not nice to call people idiot. Ok, I'll share another idiom. When people say that's a piece of cake. They don't actually mean that something is a piece of cake they mean that it's easy to do. For example, this week's homework is a piece of cake I'm not really giving you a piece of cake, I'm saying that this week's homework will be very easy.

'But I would prefer a piece of cake, can we have one instead' Jenny commented.

' Actually Miss, you forgot to hand out my birthday cupcakes' yells Philip.

This is one of the best and worst parts of the job. All the birthday cupcakes and cakes. It's like parents see you in the morning and think ' cant wait to get you nice and fat and then complain about you being a bad example for my child and putting you into an oven and roasting you before I cheer with my friends and they will all cheer back because we have nothing better to do. Loud voices break me out of my daydream or should I say daywear.

"Cakes yummy"

"I love cupcakes",

"I'm allergic to eggs can I still have one"

"I'm allergic to cats can I still have one?"

"Can we have them now?"

"Can we take the rest of the day off to eat the cupcake properly?"

"Is Tasmania a part of Australia?"

'' Do any have Nutella frosting'' my ears peak up at that. Nutella, Andrew is our class Nutella eater. I've seen him lick it off the floor. I can't believe I've never thought of this before, I have to add him to the suspect list.

I wait silently for ten minutes while the class talks about the cupcakes. We have so much work to get through, there really isn't any time for this. But the truth is, I really don't feel like working myself and I need to find out where Jeremy is. So I put on my brightest voice and say " well since everyone has been working so hard today I'decidedide we will be having 15 minutes of free time to enjoy the birthday cupcakes!" and with that my insane monkeys start jumping around. A cold hand grips me and whispers "brains I want your brains" I startle and look to the side. It's just Ronni being a freak I push the little weirdo off me and walk away. Suddenly the door opens, I stand up with my heart practically in my hand. If the principal Mr Manpants sees this I am soo gone, Ms Happy walks in and I fall back in my chair out of relief. *creek*

" oww shhhugger" the chair gave way underneath me. 'Darn' I whisper.

"Miss what you just said?" little miss annoying says

'nothing just go back to playing'

"no miss you said the S word".

'Sugar is not a bad word, now leave me alone.'

I dust myself off and get off the floor. Between the old furniture and all the cupcakes, something like this was bound to happen. Ms Happy comes over to me and just pretends like I wasn't just rolling on the floor. She looks at me straight in the eyes and says "my kids are in the library. Want to do some interviews? I'll be a bad cop and you'll be a good cop" I bring out my notepad and call my first suspect to my desk.

'' I don't know this could just end up being a wild goose chase''.

Ms Happy smiles at me ''till will be fun'' she smiles up at me.

That was all the convincing I needed.

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