Chapter 5: Spelling List

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It's after lunch, my kids are doing some not so silent reading while I just look around and suss them out. Who? Who? Who? Who stole Jeremy? A little lightbulb goes off in my mind! I know how I can get some information.

''All right everyone get your spelling books out so I can introduce this week's spelling words."

After a simultaneous sigh and 10 minutes later I'm ready to catch the culprit I'm going to watch them squirm unit someone lets the cat out of the bag. They're going to feel soo nervous that they're going to end up vomiting all over the person next to them. Yes, that's what I'm going to do. I hide my evil smirk as I begin. I don't want to raise suspicion so I start with a random word.

''Our first word is repetition – when something is repat, ''

''miss what did you say?'' Interrupted Jimmy

'' she said raider'' replied Karlos

''no she said rainbow'' Aysha whispered

I let out a breath '' no repetition, doing something more than once''

''Ohh ok'' Kelly said with the most confused look on her face.

'' what did she say?'' Jimmy repeats.

'' I think she said rainbow'' Aysha reply's.

Every time I tell the kids their spelling words I feel crazy it's like they can never hear or perhaps understand what I'm saying. I try not to bang my head on the wall out of frustration as I mentally prepare myself to say the next word.

''ok everyone our next word is stealing – taking something that doesn't belong to you.''

Amy coughed, I look at her like a hawk. Guilty! My mind screamed like a lunatic looking for a reason. She's guilty, that was a guilty cough! oh, I'm on to you Amy.

''Miss what did you say the word was?'' Kelly questioned

''Steal'' I repeated it would be a shame if someone was to steal Amy's pet pig'' of a father I mentally add. I glance over at Amy and oh boy does she look distressed haha!! It has to be her.

'' What was that?'' shouted Andy

'' Ms Andy yelled in my ear!'' cried, Shane.

I turn around so Shane doesn't see me silently mock him. That over there is Shane he is a cereal complainer. Ms the pencil stabbed me, Ms my Hands not working, miss I farted and it hurt can you please make it feel better, blah blah blah.

''Sorry Ms can you say it one more time but a bit slower?''

'' sure Stealing'' I repeat for the 100th time.

'' Ohh peal!'' Philip says. I don't correct him. I mean who cares let them write whatever word they want this isn't the point of the exercise I'm looking for the culprit. This goes on for the next 3 words before I lose patience.

"Ok everyone pack up your books," I call.

'' but miss that's only 2 words'' the class know it all says.

''That's fine honey, you don't need to learn how to spell. You're never going to use it in the future. It's just something we make you do.'' I lie.

'' I was right'' Jimmy boomed.

'' you are always right Jimmy '' I say lying again.

Amy, Amy, Amy welcome to my suspect list. Prepare yourself, little girl. Your about to get those pigtails all messed up.

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