Chapter 4: The Cards

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Before I can even get a word out the class has run off for lunchtime and I couldn't be more thankful. I hear kids clapping and singing coming from the windows and right on cue 1 minute after the bell, incomes Ms Happy

" so apparently my grandmas sick".

"very" I reply and give a fake cough. "Very sick, so sick that she needs some company".

" So tell me what's with the turtle story?" says Ms Happy replies.

"He is missing and I don't know where he is " I explain.

"Maybe someone's taken him" Ms Happy suggest

" I don't know? Who would take a turtle"

she snickers and say "I don't know someone like you maybe".

Before you get any weird ideas, let me explain. So I went kayaking one day and as I was rowing down the river I saw a freshwater turtle I didn't want to hurt him so I went off in the opposite direction but he just kept on following me and even as I was walking back to my car he was still following me. He wanted companionship and the class needed a pet it seemed perfect.

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" Ms Happy stated.

I mull the idea over for a moment then look straight into Ms Happy's hazel eyes. "So who do you think took him?'' I ask. She sits on top of the table, it gives a little wobble she pulls the gum out of her mouth and sticks on the bottom of the table as she mumbles 'I dunno, could be any of them. They're always talking about things that don't belong to them. Ohh, Miss, I love your new pretty pen! It would be a shame if somebody... LOST IT' she beings to mock' she then puts on sweet voice 'or should I say miss-placed it'.

Ohh noo, she sounds upset something must of happen. 'ok, what's happen?' I ask.

"Some little bogger has broken my favourite photo frame!'' she quietly yells.

I put on a big smile and say 'I'm sure we can fix it'.

she glares at me " yh right after we find out what physio took your turtle' she says sarcastically. On that note I hand her the get well cards for her grandma she smiles in that I don't want to smile but I can't help it kind of way. It's not good enough, so I start to read some of the cards to her.

'' Dear Ms Happy's grandma, I hope you get better soon. Love Oscar''

''so original" I comment, I pick up the next one.

''Hi Gran Gran, I'm sorry that you're not feeling well, but I never liked turtles. They look scary. I don't understand why they're green. So I'm really happy you have taken Jeremy. Please don't give him back even when you get better. Thanks! Lily".

Ms happy stares at me, Lily could be the one who stole Jeremy. I think about it. It's true. She could be the one. I pick up one last card and read
"yo what up, I hope you get better you old hag" she burst out laughing at that and spoke through her giggles.
"ok, ok, stop, please! This stuff is really bad. Let's go get some lunch, then we will fix the frame and you should make a suspects list. I'm sure Lilly isn't the only person that is capable of borrowing something and not giving it back. Oh, and by the way, for some reason there's Nutella all over your light switch. We should clean it up before you get more cockroaches".

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