Chapter 17: Detention

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I walked slowly to the detention room. I hate detention, I hate it so much that I don't even give my students detention. I just say I'm going to keep them in and then when the time comes I tell them that if they clean the room up I'll let them out on time. I really don't want to miss lunchtime today. Annoying Mr Mcmanpants always being a party pooper.

I get to the room and see Nora, Joshua, Joseph and Sally they are all past students of mine. I sit down and look at Sally, "why are you here?" I ask " I laugh too loud, Miss". There has to be more to the story than that.

" What did you laugh at?"


" Did something happen?" I question.

" nope just wanted to practice my laugh HAHAH" She continues.

Umm, she's usually a very good girl but she seems a bit hysterical today. I walk past her I'm not sitting next to her today.

I see Josh on the next table. " Josh, why are you in detention?"

" well Mr Anthony was teaching us about recycling and I asked why is it important, then he said it's because it important to keep our earth healthy and happy and then I asked why".

I put my hand up I've heard enough his a good kid but he does have a lot of questions, questions I probably don't have the answer to and I can't use the go-to detention excuse because he's already here. I walk past him.

Nora's in detention I can't believe it!! She's such a cute a little helpful angle.

"Nora, why are you here?"

" Ohh, I was sharing my lunch but apparently we don't share lunch at this school but I couldn't help myself so I started sharing my lunch with the birds and then the teacher got upset and sent me here". Umm, she is a sharer she most likely will try and feed me. I normally wouldn't mind but she's already shared that sandwich with the birds. I keep walking.

Joseph, "why are you here? " he looks at me and flutters his long lashes.
"the teacher said I'm too cute" 

" is that a bad thing?"

"She said that I keep distracting all the girls in the class"

" are you doing it on purpose?"

*he blinks a few times with his super long eyelashes, the force of it sends my school hat flying off*

"noo". Well, I'd like to sit here but I don't want to get trapped in a wind storm. So I keep walking.
Up in the corner, I see Rajaa,

"Rajaa why are you here?"

"Oh, I'm just here in case anyone need help with anything ." Umm, that doesn't seem too bad.

" Ms would u like me to brush your hair? I have a brush and everything!" I put my hands up to my hair, it is looking like a birds nest, it could use a good brush. I look at her hands, they seem to be covered in an unknown substance.

" maybe another time," I say I don't want to have any more strange substance to wash away today.

I look back at my options, I guess a bird bitten sandwich isn't that bad I pull out a chair near Nora and take a seat. I see miss Gooseberry walk in she sits next to sally "ahahhahaha" ms Gooseberry looks at her "ahahah" she responds. Mr Mcmanpants walks in.

" ok everyone, you are all here for misbehaving, you are all going to sit here and not make a single sound for 15 minutes!"

"But why?" Ask Joshua

"Because you have all done the wrong thing this is your punishment." Mr Mcmanpants respond.
"Mr, you seem a bit upset would you like a bit of my sandwich?" Nora asks.

"We don't share food in this school you know that Nora!" Is his frustrated response.

"But why," asked Joshua

"Because it spreads germs." The principal answers.

"BAHAHAH" Sally laughs

"BAHAHAH" Ms Goosberry adds.

"If you want me to, I can look at the sandwich and get the germs out?" Offers Rajaa.

"No thank you Rajaa," Mcmanpants responds.

"Ahh ahhh ahhh" Sally laughs

"Ahhh ahhh ahhh" joins Gooseberry

*Joseph flutters eyelashes*

Mr Mcmanpants glasses fly off his head*

"JOSEPH!" Mr Mcmanpants yells "how many times do I have to tell you not to use your powers for evil!"

"I didn't do anything Sir"

"But why shouldn't he use his powers for evil?" Inquired Joshua.

"Don't worry sir I'll get you glasses" Rajaa yelled.

"Everyone just stops talking!" He finally snaps.

I sit there quietly and start to think about Jeremy who took him. I think back about all the clues.
I look at Nora she takes a bit of her sandwich chews it grabs my hand and spits a part of the chewed up sandwich in it. " you look hungry, so I thought I'd help by chewing the food for you, now you just have to swallow it". I look at it, smell it, then take a bite. It's actually not that bad. I don't know exactly what it tastes like, but it's not bad. She holds up her sandwich in offering I take a bite.

"We have a no sharing food rule Ms Dasly what don't you understand!"

"Sorry sir," I say.

"But why?" Retorts Joshua

"Don't start" Joshua

"He he he he he" laughs Sally

"He he he he he" Ms Goosberry copies

"Don't pick that laugh guys it sounds like a creepy gremlin" Rajaa shares.
Gremlin gremlin.

** flashback - I saw a gremlin running down the hallway.**

The gremlin was peaking through the window. Ms Goosberry is always peeking through the window he didn't see a gremlin he saw a Gooseberry. She has to know who it was! She was there when Savish was, she must have seen something!
Ok, everyone times up! Everyone go to lunch.
All the student-run out.

I walk over to Ms Goosberry.
"So I don't think I've told you this, but my class pet went missing a while ago. I have no idea what happens to him. I'm not sure what to do." I say. She starts to sweat. She's sweating so much that she has a little sweat moustache going on.

"Ohh no, I, that's awful". She says in a squeaky voice.

" what do you think I should do?" I continue.

" I umm, ahh I don't know. I ahh, I have to go" she says in a rushed voice. She makes eyes at Mr Mcmanpants angles her head to the side and rushes out of the room. Mr Mcmanpants follows.
I stand there in shock for a moment. They're hiding something and I'm going to find out what!

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