Chapter 8: The Moving Pencil Case

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Ms Happy looks me in the eye and says 'remember good cop, bad cop'. I nod and call over Philip our first suspect.

Me: soo Philip, your pencil case was on the floor when I walked in this morning.

Philip: I don't have a pencil case Ms.

Me: Yes you do the racing car one.

Philip: ohhh yhhh! I told my mum I lost it! She said she will buy me a new one today. So now I'm going to have two pencil cases.

Me: silence

Ms Happy: stop changing the subject, Philip. How did it get on the floor * she slams the table*

Philip: I don't know I put it in the box, do you want me to stay in at lunchtime and watch it just in case it moves on its own.

Ms Happy: * she leans forward* " do you think that would work? You think pencil cases move on their own Philip?" she sneers

Philip: I can find out for you.

Me: maybe another time. Why don't you go and play?

Ms Happy: Why did you do that! I nearly had him caught in a lie!

Me: what lie? are you serious? if we let that boy he will take over this whole operation! you have to play it cool with him!

*Philip looks at his pencil case, then at us, then his pencil case, then at us. He then nods his head, does the I'm watching you motion with his eyes points his fingers to his pencil case. He looks back at us and gives us the thumbs up. *

Me: * I shake my head*

Ms happy: well at let, he won't lose any more pencil case.

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