Chapter 5: Watch Out For That INK!!

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As year's goes by I meet different monsters from the other au's and I became their friend, savior, enemy or frenemy. They really hate the 90's swag like seriously Do THEY NOT KNOW THE SWAG!!

Anyways travelling upon the aus I have never once saw error again, but I did visit nightmare once or twice the villagers are getting even more worse and violent. But I couldn't ruined the story, but I have saw a red string also known as fate string on dream told it to nightmare who by the way did try to bring dream to me so I could cut the string off but dream was always Busy and too trusting to the villagers which made me realize it's because of ₣₳₮Ɇ string. So I couldn't get rid of ₣₳₮Ɇ string which I told to nightmare the real reason why dream never paid attention go him which made him sad.

Travelling to Au's once again, I have not once come across Ink which was strange but also lucky me. For every Theory and fandoms worth fate was always watching ink, or at least mostly watch ink and torture error which is cruel to every monsters.

I Once saw ₣₳₮Ɇ string on the human in flowerfell as well as where sans got possessed by flowey the flower and most of the cruel whenever be genocide, neutral or pacifist there is always red string attach to them which i made sure they are free from fate, but some are too late.

As I Skateboarding in Snowdin in Underswap, where the sans and papyrus here are my friends.
Skateboarding i saw an ink blotch and form as a skeleton, which also made me think an conclusion that the skeleton is ink. Ink who is looking around happily is infront of the way where i was skateboarding made me realize am gonna crash into him.

"Hey Broski Watch Out!" I warn Ink as my skateboarding is nearing at ink, who seems to have heard my warning but was far too late as both of us crash to each other.

I was dizzy for a moment but quickly went up and got my balance together. I quickly look at ink who is still dizzy from the crash. I went to help him up as we did fell down when we crash. Ink who quickly gets his bearing notice me, as i notice ink got a lot of red strings all around him.

"Heya Broski, So sorry for crashing into ya" I apologize to ink, who seem didn't mind at all, my glasses change to sor-ry.

"Its alright pal, oh right i forgot to introduce myself the names ink the creator and protector of AU's nice to meet ya!" Ink cheerfully introduce himself.

"Thats rad my broski this radical skeleton name is fresh, nice to meet another radical skeleton" I introduce myself my glasses went back to yo-lo, Ink eyelights have become stars.

"Thats so cool how did you change your glasses?!" Ink exclaim happily.

"Magic" I answered which ink look question but didn't let it get to him, I have been secretly cutting some of the red strings connected to ink. 

"What AU are you from, i never recognize you from here?" Ink question me. 

"Well my radical broski my radical broseph and I are friends, so i decided to hang around this part of the town. I don't got an AU" I reply to ink question.

"WHAT?! YOU DON'T HAVE AN AU! ARE YOU AN OUTCODE JUST LIKE ME?!" Ink said with enthusiasm as his face went closer to mine.

" hey broski personal space bro, and yah am an radical outcode" I Told ink, who move a step back and has starts in his eyelights. As he went on how we are gonna be best friends and etc... As Ink kept talking i have finally most of all the ₣₳₮Ɇ strings on Ink. 

"Hey my radical ink its getting late so catch ya on the flipside!" I said to ink before I fresh poof outta there, as i sense fate got her attention to ink. I decided then to keep a low profile but a homey 90's nightmare annoying friends of all, as i don't know what happen if i got ₣₳₮Ɇ attention, would ₣₳₮Ɇ destroy my friends universe or force them to a worse commitment.

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