The Snowball.

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Will looked at the school really nervous.
"I don't know if i wanna go mom.." Will said putting his seatbelt back on.

"Come on Will you practiced dancing whit me it's going to be okay" Joyce said while brushing her hand in hes hair. Will sighed, "alright then.."

"Go on! You're friends are waiting for you!" Joyce smiled. "Okay see ya later!" Will said slamming the car door. "I'm here whit hopper waiting outside!" Joyce said.

"Okay bye Mom!"
"Love you honey!"
"Love you to Mom!" Will said while he waved at his mom smiling.

Will walked to the school entrance were he heard the music really loud. He got nervous and didn't want to walk inside on his own then he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Hey Will!" Max said smiling.
"Oh hey Max!" Will replied smiling at her.
"Let's go inside and look for the others"
Will was happy he didn't have to walk on his own inside what if Troy saw him then he would be dead.

Will and Max walked inside they saw Mike and Lucas right away talking to eachother.
Will stared for a few seconds at Mike.

WoW he looks so good! Do i even look good? Then i felt Max touch my shoulder.
"Where you looking at?" She asked smirking.
"N-nowhere.." I stuttered.
"Mmh okay then let's go" then we both walked to the two boys. I couldn't help it but smile at Mike.

"Shit she's comming!" Lucas said while checking if he's hair was in the right place.
"Hey stalker!" Max smiled.

"Hi Will!" Mike said whit a smile on his lips.
"H-hey!" Will replied shyly. Then they heard another familiar voice behind them.
"Hey guys" Dustin said smirking at Max.

"Holy shit what happend to you?!" Mike laughed. "What do you mean what happend?"
Dustin asked while dropping his smile.
Lucas laughed and touched Dustins hair. Dustin slapped his arm away.

Then the music started playing.
Lucas turned to Max putting his arm out to her. "Uhm its Nice right?" Lucas said looking around awkwardly.

"You wanna uhm-you know-just like-you and me?" Lucas didnt know what to say.
"Are you trying to ask me to dance stalker?" Max smirked. "No..ofcourse not." Lucas lied.
"Unless you.." then Max interrupted him,
"so smooth..come on!" Max said while pulling his arm to the dance floor.

Mike,Will and Dustin stared at them.
Dustin looked a little sad he wanted to dance whit Max but he still was happy for his bestfriend.

Then a girl walked up to Will.
Will immediately got nervous,
"Hey zombie boy! Wanna dance?" She asked.

Oh god! I don't wanna dance whit her and she called me zombie boy..
I immediately looked up at Mike who looked back. I wanted to dance whit Mike.. but he's going to dance whit Eleven.

"Uh i uh-i dont-" I stuttered still making eye contact whit Mike. How do I say to her I don't wanna dance whit her I barely know her!!
Then Mike pushed me a little, "I uhm.." I couldn't help but stutter and looking at the girl and then back up at Mike.

Then Mike pushed me again. "Y-yeah sure!"
Oh no! Im not going to like this at all.
Then the girl smiled at me and grabbed me by the arm dragging me to through the people dancing.

There is going to be a part 2 and maybe a 3 idk yet I'm so bad at writing stories REEEEE

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