I want you' 01

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"One last time! Come on Jaden give it your all!" Our director said. I looked at Jaden he was sweating, we both were, today had not gone as expected.

Jaden just seemed off, like something was bothering him or someone and it led me to think If him and mads are okay.

We set up for the last run, we were singing our last few phrases and doing the choreo when Jaden pulled me by my waist and looked at me deeply.

When he touched my skin I felt as though I was on fire, a excitement flashed in me and I could tell he saw it. We were inches a part as we sung the last line.

"Yeah I'm gonna be a superstar" we sing in unison. I felt as though we were the only ones in the room, we were breathing heavily but we didn't break eye contact not even for a second. I felt that if I looked away for even a second, I'd miss everything.

Miss the way his eyes mirrored mine as they flashed with excitement, miss the way his every breath felt against my skin, missed the way he held my waist. I could feel his hand itching to feel my skin under my jacket.

At this moment every part of me was his, and I couldn't control the feelings that were forming in the pit of my stomach.

His eyes flickered to my lips and I couldn't. I couldn't do this.

I pushed him away and step down from the podium my combat boots clicking as I hurried away.

"That's the kind of emotion I need!" The director yelled as I hurried away.

I pushed the door open to my dressing room so hard it slammed as it hit the wall. I held my hand to my mouth as I felt the tears on the edge. I don't know why I was upset, this didn't call for tears did it?

Not soon after I entered my dressing room Jaden enters as well, I heard the door click close. I turn around and there he stood, with only a Jean jacket on no shirt under and black ripped pants.

His body was on full display, I gulped as I checked him out. What was he doing to me? I never looked at Jaden this way before he was always joshes bestfriend.


What am I doing I can't do this to josh!

"What do you want!" I yelled angrily. He stood there leaning against the door his hands behind his back and just looked at me blankly. All day he had been acting weird and then he wants to pull that shit

"Your just gonna keep ignoring me!" I yelled.

"Talk damn it!" I screamed as I threw a glass at the door but he just stood there as it shattered.

He started walking towards me, his movements were slow and controlled. It's like I was his prey and he was hunting me, but every step he took forward I took back.

We did this all the way until I felt the lower part of my back hit my vanity. Until his face was inches away from mine all over again.

My hands gripped the vanity as he looked into my eyes.

"I want you" he said. He leaned in closer his lips touched mine barely, but I closed my eyes anyway.

I knew this was wrong, but my body wouldn't let me stop him.

Then we heard a knock.

"Nessa! Have you seen Jaden!" I heard mads say as she open the door. Jaden quickly backed away.

"Babe I didn't know you were in here" he smiled.

"Oh yeah! I was helping Nessa pick out which picture we should use for the album cover" nice save I thought.

"Anyways babe let's go we have a reservation to catch" he smiled at me one last time before leaving the room with mads.

I was left there still gripping my vanity. I finally let the breath out that I didn't know i was holding.

What was happening to me?

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