Your beautiful.' 10

400 15 16

I had been avoiding it but i needed to see how Jaden was doing for myself. I decided to go at night, that way i wouldn't have his mom or mads there questioning me. Lord knows what mads would do.

I park and enter the hospital, a lady a front desk laughs at the show playing on her phone. She quickly puts it away as she makes eye contact with me, i lean on the desk holding my keys in my hand.

"Is there anyway i could see Jaden Hossler" she logs into her computer.

"Endless your family I can't let you up." She says sternly.

"Oh please I need to see him, can't you just break the rules one time." I use my best puppy dog eyes. Then her eyes light up and she flashes a smile on her face.

"Fine, but my daughter is a fan of you and Jaden's you guys have to come to her birthday party." I smile.

"Deal. Once Jaden's better we'll be there." she smiles and waves me along but not before i leave my contact info.

I walk to the elevator pressing number 17 as the door closes. It was then. a arm pushing through stopping the door from closing.

She was blonde and grey eyed. She wore a black graphic leather jacket with black combat boots. Similar to a outfit i had worn recently myself, she looked about 16-17 she was very beautiful.

"I like your outfit" i say as she goes to press a button but realizes i already pressed the one she needed.

"Thank you" she smiles. We sit in comfortable silence before it pings and i wait for her to go then I make my way out.

I walk down the hallway rounding the corner, I see the last name HOSSLER printed on the door and i slowly pushed open the door. He slept peacefully it was so quiet i could hear his breathing and it soothed me.

I close the door behind me making sure to be as quiet as possible but to my luck it slams shut.

"Mads?" he says half asleep. I slowly turn around as he rubs his eyes trying to focus his vision.

"You" I smile as i make my way over to his bed. I sit on his bed and slowly examine his body with my eyes, checking for any signs of distress.

"I thought i'd never see you again." he says.

"Jaden your my best friend, of course you'd see me i just kept my distance that's all." There was that same confusion from before.

"Best friend?" It thunders as he says that. I guessed i hadn't realized it was pouring outside. The rain hits the big bay window in his room perfectly it was beautiful the city from this view.

"Yeah, best friend. Jaden i just came to make sure you are okay. I should get going before the storm gets worse." I go to get up but his hand slides around my wrist to pull me back, i see him wince and hold his stomach.

"Jaden be careful!" I say sitting back down.

"You can't go, It's already bad outside and i'd hate to be the reason you die because i was too pussy to ask you to stay." I smile and make myself comfortable on the bed.

"Hey do you know how to work these buttons on the left side i can't seem to figure it out." He says pointing to the buttons on the left side panel of his bed.

"Oh yeah! let me just-" I reached over him not realizing my proximity.

his arm snaked around my back holding me in place, as my arms rested against his chest. His eyes looked down to my lips and i had realized that he had trapped me on purpose. Even without memories Jaden was still Jaden.

It thunders but i didn't break eye contact with Jaden, it illuminated his face enhancing his features i couldn't hold the breath i was holding anymore.

"Your beautiful." I say without realizing.

"You don't know what your doing to me" he leans his head against mine as he slows his breathing.

"Jaden I-" his lips connect with mine and i feel myself come alive again, like every atom in my body had just been awaken by this very kiss. His lips moved against mine like he had been craving me, my hands snaked up to his hair as his arm pulled me closer as if that was even possible at this moment.

I lingered in the kiss before pulling away, I move my leg on the other side of him so i was straddling him, he winces in pain then smiles.

"Sorry" i whisper and he just shakes his head as I lean down to level our faces.

"I've been wanting to do that since the moment i laid eyes on you." his hand is placed softly on my cheek caressing it, i lean into his touch taking comfort in it.

"Don't say things like that" i say leaning my head against his.

"Fine i won't say anything" his lips then connect with mine and all thoughts fly out the window. I sink into his kiss yet again and i think however could i stay away from him now.


it's long overdue i know i know, i've been dealing with personal stuff and just haven't had the passion to write. I'm sorry i made you guys wait but expect more chapters this week and weekend.

Love you guys! don't forget to vote and comment<3

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