Thinking of me?' 03

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After that day I ignored Jaden, on all socials and even in person but not enough for josh to suspect something was up. I avoided Jaden at all costs, when we would rehearse i always had josh with me. I vowed to never be alone with Jaden, to always have josh by my side.

I tried to make sure my eyes never lingered on him to long, but I could always tell he was looking at me with those eyes. Those eyes that send every part of me crazy, it was hard to keep my attention off of him especially since that all he seemed to want.

I don't know how I let myself fall into this mess, I love josh...don't I? Of course I do! I guess lately josh has been different. He's not doing anything different, I just feel different but I refuse to believe it's because of Jaden.

It was currently 9 o'clock exactly and my muscles were sore because all the working out I had been doing to distract myself so I decided to take a hot shower.

I get out of my bed along with getting all the stuff I need for my shower, I turn the shower on and look at myself in the mirror. Oh Nessa, why are you doing this to yourself. I search up 'Chase Atlantic' and play swim.

I undress before getting in the shower, I let the water run over every crease of my body. My muscles instantly relax I close my eyes out of content I felt.

"Nessa I know you want this"  I opened my eyes and they instantly met Jaden's, his body was on full display letting all this tattoos show. The water ran down his body mouth watering perfect. His hair wasn't completely drenched in water but you could see the water droplets falling from his hair causing his eyes to look euphoric.

He stalked closer towards and I could hear slow down by chase Atlantic come on. My back was against the shower wall and water drenched us both, his eyes ran down my body before making eye contact with me again and I couldn't help but feel hot under his gaze.

He leaned in whispering in my ear "Thinking about me yet again? This has become a problem Ness" he said with a smirk.

I snap out of my trance and realized I had been in the shower for too long, I turn off the water and grab my towel wrapping myself in it.

I grab my phone and make my way to my bedroom not paying attention, I turn around to close the door but I feel someone quickly come behind me and shut the door.

I could feel their body heat on me, I could see there hand on the door as they leaned on it. My body froze up scared of who the intruder might before he spoke.

"Thinking about me in the shower? And here I thought you weren't thinking about me at all." He said huskily in my ear. I couldn't turn around, I wouldn't let myself. I must of been talking to myself in the shower and I blushed at embarrassment, thanking the gods he couldn't see my face.

I tried to open the door but he just closed it shut again, I gripped my towel to try and soothe my nerves but to my luck it did nothing.

"Jaden don't do this..." he sighed and then chuckled.

"See you've said that before, but I wouldn't even be here if you didn't want me as bad as I wanted you." he said in my ear his breathing sending shivers down my spine.

"Look at me Ness" I refused to.

"Fine then I'll make you look at me" then I felt of his lips on my neck, I moaned a little at the contact.

"See I told you, you want me" he whispered in my ear.

His other hand gripped my neck and slowly pushed my head to the side as he kissed my neck again. His lips trailed up as he kissed behind my ear.

He took his other hand off the door and wrapped it around my waist pulling me into him. I tried to convince myself that I shouldn't turn around and kiss him, because I couldn't crossed that line.

I wouldn't. I knew if I did I wouldn't be able to go back, and I wouldn't want to either.

"Jaden please" I moaned, I didn't want him to stop but I knew if he didn't, I wouldn't be able to resist much longer and he knew too.

He took his hand off my neck and turned me towards him and backed me against my door. My eye connected with his and by the look in his eyes.

He wasn't stopping any time soon.

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