This Is Wrong' 11

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a burst of thunder wakes me from my sleep. It was dark and cold, Jaden was no where to be found. I laid in his hospital bed shivering, it was too cold for a hospital room.

I let out a breath and i could see it, i covered my mouth in shock. A larger thundering sound boomed and a large flash flooded the room for seconds then it was gone.

I look back in front of me and there was someone standing there he was tall that much i could tell but it was too dark to see his face.

"You hurt me without even thinking" i recognize that voice anywhere.

"How could you be such a bitch!" venom laced his sentence and i flinched at the harshness.

"I give you such leniency, I helped you shine and you do this!" he yells, thunder illuminating his face. It was josh, his eyes were dark and you could see the eye bags under his eyes. His build was smaller then usual and anger was clear on his face.

"Josh you promise you wouldn't-" his laugh cuts me off.

"Wouldn't what!" he stalks closer to my bedside. His hand grips my chin forcing my face closer to his, i felt his breath hit my face and scrunch my face up in disgust.

"don't forget who made you! once i find out what you've done you'll be sorry" he spits.

"Nessa!" Jaden shakes me awake, it was still night and rain still poured.

"You we're having a bad dream." he whispered as his arms engulfed me in a hug. Hi scent fills my nose and i'm automatically calmed down, just like that.

"I was dreaming about josh." I felt the atmosphere change.

"Josh is my best friend correct?" Jaden questions. I pull away from his hug before answering.

"Correct. I'm his girlfriend." Jaden nods.

"Which is why this is wrong, I shouldn't have came here who knows what josh would do if he found out. I've been so caught up in you that i completely forgot about josh-" I move to sit up but Jaden pulls me down.

"Nessa! This can't be that wrong because i don't even know you and i feel connected to you in more ways then one. I may not have the memories of how we felt about each other then but i know what i feel now." Jaden says as he caresses my cheek.

"And what is it. That you feel now?" He smiles.

"I feel like i want to kiss you again-" his lips slowly get closer to mine and my breathing quickens. His lips softly connect with mine before pulling away. "-then i want to do this-" his lips connect with my jawline. "-then this." my breath hitches as his lips meet my neck.

He pulls away and his eyes connect with mine. "Does that feel wrong to you?" I wanted to say no, i wanted him to keep kissing me but then i remembered josh. Josh is who i should be thinking about, because if Josh finds out I'd be in for more then just public shame.

"Yes. I'm sorry Jaden I have to go." I pull away from his grip and make my way out the door, my body then collides with something knocking me off my balance.

"Nessa Barrett! and Jaden Hossler!" She squeals. It was the same girl from the elevator. I could see her more clearly this time, her hair was cut in a short bob and her makeup was amazing. She stood taller then me by a lot, but then again i was short.

"What-" her eyes light up as she takes out her phone.

"You and Jaden Hossler! Oh this is so going to be big!" i push her phone down quickly as i moved towards her.

"Don't! Please, no one can know about this." Her face turns from a joy to confusion.

"The media cannot know about this, please." I pleaded, If the media found out before Josh did he'd be furious.

"Okay. I won't tell a soul I promise, I'm Haley, Haley Angel by the way!" She smiles as she holds out her hand.

I shake her hand as i smile back. "Nessa"

"I know" she smiles. I had to hope that Haley would keep her word but i wasn't to worried about it, she didn't seem like she breaks promises.

"Nice to meet you Haley Angel" I smiled.

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