Nessa ' 06

526 16 6

Jaden's POV

I kept my eyes on the road, the whole time. I knew if I let myself take my eyes off the road, I'd look at Nessa and this wasn't the time nor the place. I wanted to actually have a nice night with Mads tonight, despite Nessa I still loved Mads and I couldn't just let her go.

I couldn't help it, I was selfish I wanted them both but I wanted them to be safe from the repercussions of my feelings. I knew no matter what, one of them would be hurt regardless of what I try and do.

Me and Mads were going through a rough patch, I messed up most of it I shouldn't have made a move on Nessa, Mads didn't deserve that.

I let my eyes glance at Mads as she texted away at her phone, she was beautiful but my eyes couldn't help but wander.

To her. No matter how much I loved Mads, I couldn't help but look at her and want her. I wanted to be the reason why Nessa laughed, I wanted to be the reason why she smiled.

She was asleep on Joshes shoulder, they were both knocked out and I couldn't help but admire her. She looked beautiful even if it was on his shoulder.

Mads put down her phone finally but not even two minutes later it pinged. She picked it up quick, too quick.

I let myself get a peak at her phone, I saw hearts then I saw 'Charles🤍'.

"You got to be fucking kidding me Mads" I say laughing. She couldn't be texting her ex? Right here? Right now?

Mads stops smiling now with confusion her face she looks at me. I kept my eyes on the road looking at her when I could.

"What babe?" She says rubbing my arm, I jerk from her touch and she pulls away slowly.

"Why are you acting like that?" She says now annoyed finally tearing her eyes from her phone.

"Why the fuck! Are you texting your ex boyfriend Mads." I shout.

Her face turns blank, the annoyance drains from her face and is replaced with, Anger? She looks to the back real quick before turning to me.

"Would you keep your voice down! We have company we can do this later." She whisper yells. Nessa and Josh were still sleeping soundly in the back, it was just like Mads she always cared how everyone viewed her never wanting to look like the bad guy.

"To hell if were doing it later!?!?!" I yell

"Jaden! Fucking drop it!" She yells back me.

"Your fucking cheating on me and I'm just supposed to drop it!" I say. I was speeding at this point.

"Slow down!" Mads yells.

"What's going on?" Nessa says rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Jaden I'm not stupid, I have eyes! I see the way you look at her!" My eyes snap to hers. Mads eyes weren't filled with anger anymore they were filled with sadness.

At this point Josh woke up from all the yelling confused as to what was going on.

"Jaden slow down-" josh said.

"-Jaden look out!" Nessa yells. I swerve the car as fast I could but it wasn't fast enough.

I felt the impact of me and Josh's side hitting the pavement again and again, as the car rolled. Glass flew everywhere and I felt myself get cut by every piece, the airbag smoke filled the car.

All my mind could go too was her before falling unconscious.



This chapter goes out to @gamerfox21 thank you for all your comments and support! I love that you love this story!!

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