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Okay so Jaden went live to speak about the matter, so basically what everyone thought was true. Jaden fell for Nessa, not only hurting Josh but Mads in the process.

Obviously you cannot help who you fall for, if it was that easy Jaden would still be with Mads. As someone who went through something VERY FUCKING SIMILAR it fucking sucks.

Jaden's live in my opinion, he was just talking he made some points but he was just trying to tell the story without the specifics. I feel like instead of trying to "tell us what happened" like he's spilling the tea he straight forward should of just said "I fucked up i have feelings for Nessa" and ended it there because he just sounds like he's making excuses.

I love Jaden always have but that live just didn't need to be that long. Okay but another theory I have is Nessa must have feelings for him as well, there wouldn't be any other reason why Ness would end things with josh at that time.

Plus the VIDEOS

All this drama should not have came to social media, in my opinion it's mads fault that it did, simply because it seemed like mads wanted them both to get hate because what Jaden and Nessa did. What other reason would she have to post something like that, she's not dumb she knew what she was doing posting that she wanted to bring it to social media just so people would hate on them both.

It was uncalled for and I can get she was upset but it's not Nessa's fault that Jaden has feelings for her but bro who wouldn't HAVE YOU SEEN HER GORGEOUS ASS.

Josh I feel like should of stayed silent about the whole situation instead of telling the whole world he and Nessa broke up, basically confirming the Nayden ship. I get he wanted to be truthful with his fans but all this is just uncalled for and just led to more rumors.

I love all three of them accept mads I just don't like her but I am sad for her cause I also know how it feels to be hurt like that.

Jaden's live was just a bunch of bull he's trying not to make himself out to be the bad guy, it's not a good look on him. Nessa I feel is doing the right thing not addressing it cause it's her business no one else's. I love Josh and hope he finds better but I will not hate on Nessa or Jaden just because you can't control who you fall for. It doesn't sit right with me that they didn't handle it accordingly though.

I hate also that Nessa made it seem like Mads was crazy, when in reality Nessa and Jaden do have feelings for one another. I also hate that mads made that dumbass video of Nessa and Jaden basically blaming Nessa when it's not her fault Jaden has feelings for her.

Anyways that's my take on the tea let me know what you think!!!

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