Hey! Hey! Hey! :)

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Guys I feel so bad for josh, omg I really do cause he loves Nessa so much and I loved them for the longest time. I just can't help but ship Nessa and Jaden OBVIOUSLY like have you seen them🙄🤚 like periodt 😭

BI PANIC!!!!! One thing I do not recommend reading this story if your under 13, please don't because if you learn about sexual things too soon it will ruin your future sexual relationship.


It can't be coincidence that they both broke up with their significant others AT THE SAME TIME!!! Like is it just me? Or is there something going on we don't know about? Lord idk.

Obviously I get and I would be sad too if my girlfriend was getting shipped with someone else, I hate that that is something they have to experience as singers/you tubers/tiktokers.

I just want to say that I didn't make this story to offend anyone, I just can't help but ship them but if it does become a problem in the future I'll just change the characters and the names and just write it as a regular story and not a fanfic.

Anyways that's all I may update today because After watching their live performance I SEE TENSION.

So be ready for that don't forget to vote, and I might start a TikTok for sneak peaks to storys and stuff.

Anyways if you read all the way to this, aww your sweet thank you :)

Go watch their performance, and let me know what you think.

Oh! And another thing I want to share, I really hope they don't stop making music together because of others opinions. I would hate to miss out on stuff like that, I really love theme

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