Dominance' 04

602 14 16

Jaden's POV

I looked down at her, she was in a towel and still wet from her shower. I had come by to see why she wasn't talking to me, I couldn't take the silent treatment anymore. Her mom had let me in, I walked down the hallway towards her room when I heard her calling my name from the shower.

I listened behind the door and I heard her moan my name, I could only think how hot she sounded. I decided to wait in her room and next thing I know I have her against me.

I couldn't control myself, I should have but the look on her face tells me she didn't want me to. She wanted what josh wouldn't give her.


She wanted someone to show her what rough love was like, and all I wanted was to give that to her. I wanted to feel every part of her body, I wanted her to moan my name and beg me to stop.

I wanted her to be mess after I was done with her. Her body fit so perfectly against mine just now, I was getting so hard but I wanted to focus on her.

Her pleasure alone. I wanted to make her feel so good that she wouldn't be able to walk.

Jaden! Control yourself, I wouldn't do that endless she asked me to...endless she begged me to. I had to go now because if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from fucking her.

I lean my forehead against hers.

"Ness what are you doing to me" I said defeated. I kissed her forehead before exiting the room.

Then my phone binged.

Babe? Where are you? Are you on your way? Mads texted.

I texted her back Yeah sorry I just took a detour, getting snacks be right there.

What the fuck was I doing man.

Nessa's POV

I couldn't help but feel sexually frustrated after he left. I don't know what I think I'm doing but I had to stop it, josh deserve better then this.

But then I think about his hand around my neck, I close my eyes and caress my hand on my neck re-living the moment, and I can't stop myself from wanting him.

He gave me something josh didn't, satisfaction.

I decided to call josh, I needed to hear his voice after what just happened. I grab my phone and FaceTime him.

It rang, and rang, and rang, he finally answered and it was loud. I could tell he was at a party.

"Babe sorry can't talk right now!! Tomorrow though goodnight love you!!!" He yelled and hung up the phone.

I sighed in disappointment and threw my phone on my bed. I got dressed and decided to sleep it off. Then my phone binged it was notifying me that I was tagged in a post on Instagram.

I clicked it and it was a edit of me and Jaden, the day we ran from the paparazzi in Starbucks. It was a velocity edit and it showed him looking at the paparazzi, then at me and smiling and that's when the songs beat became more evident.

I looked at the likes and comments. It said liked by Jaden Hossler, I focused on the comments and all of them were positive things like

Omg why are they actually so cute!

Finally someone said it! They'd make a cute ship!

Guys their ship name would still be Jessa lmao!

All of them accept one.

Mads: guys this isn't cool, and not something you guys should be encouraging Nessa and Jaden are just friends. We all have feelings and this is not something that needed to be posted.

I sigh and can't wait for this to be on tiktokroom I think sarcastically, I plug in my phone and let myself fall asleep.

Before I do my mind couldn't help but think of him.


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