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Zayn walks in on Liam and Alex kissing in the V.I.P lounge and then leaves them....

New chapter...

Just then Harry , Louis and Niall walk in... Liam still had his arms around me, seeing this Harry raised his eyebrows at Liam and shook.his head and said "come on guys ... We need to get to the hotel"... Suddenly Louis shouts "we run to the car" causing all ot us to burst out laughing....

(in the car)

I sat next to Harry and rested my head on his shoulders .. He started stroking my hair and Closed my eyes...

(some 30 minutes later)

"WAKE UP" someone yelled in my ear.. Gosh that was Louis...

"shut up Louis" i whispered pushing him back...

"we're at the hotel "he replied , grinning....

"oh alright" I said while getting up and stretching.

Harry opened the door to our was amazing...

"where's m-m-m-my r-r-r-room ????" I asked Harry , yawning...

He pointed to the right and i walked over and opened the door.. Louis being the gentleman he is brought my luggage in just behind me... That bed was damn big... And looked comfy too...i dumped my handbag on the sofa and managed to extract my nIght dress from.the suit case.. I quickly changed and went to sleep.....

Zayn's Pov

As soon as we entered our suite Alex asked harry about where her room.was.. She was tired i guess so she went to sleep....

Then Liam being the Daddy Direction he is , asked about the sleeping arrangement.... He always worries about "little things".....

"so there are four bedrooms in this suite outta which Alex had already taken one , leaving three""" liam told us ...

"I Wanna share with Harry " Louis shouted...

Harry's face suddenly lit up and he replied " I am okay with it" with ab huge cheeky smile...

"I'll share with Niall if he agrees" liam said , looking up at Niall... And Niall nodded in agreement..

"so that leaves me alone???" Iasked and they nodded..

"alright" ir replied and went back to the tv....

"Liam ORDER SOME FOOD ... I AM DYING OF HUNGER" Niall shouted....

"alright alright" liam replied and ordered pizza...

(after finishing the pizza)

"wanna go sleep ??" Hharry asked Louis amd he nodded and they both stood up and went to their room...

"I am gonna go sleep too, coming Liam??" Niall asked ..

"nope.. I'll sleep later" Liam replied..

So now me and liam were the only ones left.. i groaned at this thought.. i Dont hate liam.. I.mean he's my best friend.. But i guess i am jealous if him cz earlier at the airport i walked in.on liam and Alex kissing... It broke my heart to i lOVE Alex too...

I was in deep in thoughts when liam shouted "ZAYN??""

"UHH sorry.. Did i miss something??" i asked completely bewildered...

"yah, follow me to the kitchen" he replied...

"alright" i said, standing up and following him...

As he closed te kitchen door behind us , he asks me " Whats up with u and Alex??"

I raised my eyebrows at him and quickly replied "might I ask u the same question??"

"Oh Zayn , i know you love her" He said...

"I DONT.." I nearly shouted..

"Ssshhhhhh " he said shushing me..

" I know you love her too... Tell me, you do right??"" Iasked liam..

"yeah I do byte Zayn i DONT wanna us to fight over her " he replied...

"But i do... i love her lots and I'll fight for her.". i shouted again..

"plz Zayn calm down..... We are supposed to be best friends" liam told me with pleading with pleading eyes...

It actually hurted me to fight with my best friend...

"yah until you took over my property"....

Liam's Pov

"yah until you took over my property" Zayn shouted at me ..... I couldnt resist... When the hell did she become his property...?? I was courageous enough to tell her first...

"SHE'S NOT UR PROPERTY" I yelled , pushing him back...

"NEITHER IS SHE YOURS" He yelled back...

"Oh yeah she is mine... I asked her first... i was courageous enough...." I told him


By now we both were on top of eachother , punching eachother...

"No she's NOT urs ... I love her.. I really really love her so much liam... Plz try to undrstnd.." ... Zayn said....

Unable to contain myself , i punched him in his jaw and the blood went flying everywhere....

How dare he say that to Alex...she is mine and only mine....

Due to that punch Zayn stumbled backwards but suddenly gasped pointing behind me.... I turned around.... Someone.was standing there....


I'll leave it there.... Sorry for the Ive been busy with school.....

Who do u think was at the door/behind liam????

Vote /fan/comment maybe...

Love y'all...

Follow me in Ig @ashdirectioner2798

Kik : directioner2798

Bye..... Next chapter will be up soon , hopefully....

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