Back In London :)

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-Liam's Pov-

"WAKE UPPP U SLEEPY HEADS " I yelled .. we had our flight bak to London in less than an hour and if they donot wake up ,we're definitely gonna miss it..

"EVERYONE UP NOW" I yelled once agian going 'daddy direction'...

Suddenly all of them came running in with shocked looks....

"whats up liam??'" niall asked as though he was scared of something..

all of them looked as if they had no clue on what was going on or what would happen if we waste anymore time..

"DO u guys realise we only have half an hour left before our flight to London??'" I asked them and their eyes widened.. it seemed like they had forgotten about going back or something...

"OMG Liam couldnt u wake us up a bit earlier so we had enough time to get ready and stuff" Niall said as though it was my fault , just then his stomach gave a rumble... ahh typical Nialller hungry as always.. i wouldve laughed if the situation was different...

"Ive been yelling at y'all to wake up for like last half hour" I said in my defence as they all ran to their rooms to get dressed..

after some quick 15 minutes everyone was ready and Paul was waiting outside with a cab.. we checked whether we had all our possessions with us and left the suite.. As we reached the hotel door (which the doorman opened for us) I saw millions of girls outside.. the last thing i wanted was to be stuck her but we couldnt refuse them for pictures and autographs cz without them we wouldnt even be here..

so we spent some good 10 minutes with them and finally reached the cab... thankgod the driver drove fast so we reached ther in about 5 minutes.. we all ran inside with our luggages and noticed that boarding was about to be closed when we reached our counter... the lady checked our passsports and let us through.. she had an awful lot of makeup on her...and she was looking no good , i must say..

Once safely in the plane, I sighed loudly as several pairs of eyes turned towards me , maing me look down in embarassment.. finally I was going back home... I sat in my seat which was next to Niall's... as soon as i sat, Niall's head fell on my shoulder (god.. that lad is fast) .. I rested my head on top of his..... and something swarmed into my mind that made me smile... Looking at mone and niall's positions , Directioners wouldve called it a NIAM moment.... ( a/n : AWWWWWW)

I looked around at the rest and all were sound asleep... finally I felt my eyelids closing before the plane took off...

I automatically woke up as the plane landed... so I had to wake everyone up..we collected our luggage from the overhead comaprtments and left the plane... we had to walk through a different Gate cz we there fans waiting outside the actual gate... outside the airport , there was a limousine waiting, we sat in hurriedly and drove off to our place...

reaching home all of us collapsed on our beds....

-Louis's Pov-

"fiannnallllyyyyy back home" i yelled before falling in the comforts of my bed... I was about to sleep when the door opened and in came HARRY...

"LLLLLOOOUUUUU" He yelled happily ..

"HHHHHAAAZZZZ" I replied in the same tone....

" lou whatdaya say abt having the night out tomorrow???'" I pondered over what he said before nodding in his direction...

he quickly texted all the boys , we were gonna go to Nandos , I suppose...

"Lou I am gonna go sleep.... gooodnight.." he said getting off the bed..

"please stay here" I pleaded with puppy dog eyes...Gosh this guy really had an impact on me...

"Move our tommo " he said with a cheeky smile plastered over his face as he laid next to me..

"Thanx Curly" i smiled back ...... he wrapped his arms around me as we both fell asleep....

-Alex's Pov-

The boys just told me that they five arre going out tonight for some catch up..

"Harry can I call a friend over.... she was like my best friend until I left for USA and then we had no contact..."

"Yah sure, just be careful..." he said with his super protective brother mode on...

"kk" I replied happily before textin my firend,,,,,,

there were only like 10% of her number still being the same but i texted her anyway.....

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