"shes like the world to me "...

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Zayn's Pov ~

what else could i ask for Right now ?? This night was flawless.... Everything was perfect, all five of us were back to our old selves and on top of all , Alex was with me ... U know this moment was one of those where u couldnt exactly put Ur feelings in words... Like i was so excited....

Now when i think of it , it seems like everyone gets those days in their lives where they want everything to end... Where nothing does their way... But that is never the end.... Things are supposed to turn out Right in the end...

I wasnt actually paying attention to the movies.. It was nearly 3:00 at night when Liam finally switched off the Tv and ordered the boys to get to their rooms since it was so late... Slowly they all moved on to their rooms...

"i should Get going too" i.thought to myself but i couldnt move... For a second i had no idea of what was going on but then i realised Alex fell asleep on me while watching.. She looked cute...

Gently, i moved her aside before standing up and picking her bridal style... She was as light as a feather.. Well ok maybe not that much but u get my point right???

I took her to her room and placed her in her bed , tucking the blankets around...

She had that calm look on her face which i never saw before...

I dunno why but i couldnt move away from her.. So i.just sat there , stroking her hair... Her hair are just so soft that it feels amazing..

Who knows how long i kept staring at her ... The only thing on my mind Right now is Alex.... She's like the world to me..

With nothing but her on my mind, i felt my eyes drooping...

~Niall's Pov~

"knock knock" " knock knock" i knocked on Alex's door but no response...

I thought thedoor was locked.. But when i turned around the handle, it wasnt locked...

The scene i witnessed was sucha cute one...

There was Zayn sleeping with his resting on the back support kinda thing so.he was basically sleeping while sitting... And there was Alex next to him , sleeping peacefully... One of Zayns hand rested on his lap while the other was in Alex's haier... So i think he was stroking her hair when ge fell asleep...

Those two are literAlly so cute... I pulled out my phone from my pocket to take a thing pic of them tor twitter...the flash of the camera woke them up...

"what are ya doing in my room Niall??" Alex asked rubbing her eyes..

" umm i.just came to.wake u up cz its like so late in.the afternoon... But then i saw u two looking so cute while sleeping so.i took a pic and thats when.u woke.up" i replied in a one breath...

"Hahaha ok Niall i am up now" she said getting up from the bd and moving over to.her dresser to pull out some clothes for the day...

"both of u come downstairs once U r done changing and all" i told them before going back downstairs...

We were about to go grocery shopping but we needed Alex and Zayn too so we had to waif up for them....

Alex walks down after fifteen minutes or so.but zayn took a whole hour to fix up his hair..

Like come on who takes that long for hair?? He's not a girl eother...

Finally i spotted him coming Downstairzz , yawning...

"YAyyy we are going..." i happily yelled as liam grinned at me ..


Hi everyone ,

so.Ik i havent updated in a while but as usual i was but i was being lazyyy..sorry for that...

Umm ok so i strated readiny own story from the first chap...

And i noticed that Ive done lotsa spelling mistakes and grammaticalmistakes...

I really Dont know what to say... And its like 01:20 at night and i am sooo tired but i dont feel like sleeping... Anyways Good bye..


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