Remember Me

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It couldn't be possible.

Bob was lying.

Why would they brainwash him? Was it Korse? He would never do it.

'Frank –' he heard his name being called but he couldn't react. 'It's the pills.'

And Frank wanted to cry, he wanted to scream and break things. But all he said was, 'You're wrong.'

He looked so calm, it creeped Bob out. He feared it was already too late to save Frank. He'd been turned into one of those BLI robots, and if it wasn't because Bob knew how things worked, he'd think that they put a chip inside Frank's head to control him.

'Jeeze!' Bob said. 'What kind of shit they put you on?'

Frank tried to say something, but the blond man wasn't having it. 'What dose are you on?' Frank refused to answer. 'C'mon. I've taken them too, I know how it works. There's no way you're taking the normal dose. They have you on the heavy shit.'

'What are you implying, huh?' Frank said, his voice getting louder and angrier. 'You know I can have you reported for conspiracy theories against BLI?'

'Kid – I've been working here for years. I know how they work better than you do. And I also happen to have more authority than you, so if you don't sit down and shut the fuck up, I'll have them take you get draculoidized, and they'll be here in a matter of seconds. So it's your choice.'

Frank bit his tongue, knowing his actions could have consequences, and sat down. He wasn't afraid, just cautious.

'Good,' Bob said.

The younger man didn't move, nor did he react, he just listened attentively, which the Scarecrow thought was suspicious, but he continued. 'Look – I don't know how to say this, and I know you're not going to believe any of it. So – first of all, I need you to stop taking the pills.'

'But –'

'No. They are designed to turn you into a mindless zombie. That and those headphones you have to wear all the time. They're trying to turn everyone into robots without any personality or thoughts of their own.'

'But why would anyone do that?' Frank's face showed genuine innocence, which was a little scary.

'Power. Because they don't want their citizens to think for themselves. They know the moment they do, they'll realize what a piece of shit they are and would want to rebel and get revenge for everything they've done. I can't even tell you the kind of things I've seen.'

There was a long silence, and Bob noticed Frank's eyes getting wet. He opened his mouth to say something, but wasn't sure what.

He knew there was something, a thought forming, but he couldn't grasp it. Everything seemed foggy in his head and it was hard to make sense. What if Bob was right? 'If it's so horrible, why are you still working for them?' was the only thing he could think of asking, and Bob nodded, a little surprised.

'You have a point,' he replied. 'And to be honest, I know it's not an excuse, but I joined the forces for survival. I was on my own. After you left, I had no one. It was either dying or joining them.' He looked up at his friend, who still listened to what he was saying, emotionless, and it hurt to think the old Frank would be pissed at him for joining BLI. He'd be yelling at him and punching him, and maybe that was what he wanted. Any kind of reaction.

'I don't know if I'd prefer dying now,' the Scarecrow confessed. 'But if I can save you – if I can fix things up – maybe that's why I'm here.'

'You don't need to save me. I'm okay. I'm happy.'

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