The Future is Bulletproof

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'So – are we going home now?' Fun Ghoul asked.

He and Party Poison had been lying on the sand for a good hour, holding hands and talking about nothing in particular. Just looking at each other, and being together.

'I guess we just need to find how to do that. We don't have a car.'

'Then, how did you get to Battery City?' Ghoul asked, confused.

'It's a long story. But, remember that old truck behind the diner?'

'That piece of trash?'

'Well, I fixed it,' Party said proudly. 'But then, we had to leave it outside the train station in Zone 3.'

'That sucks.'

'I mean, it was a miracle it lasted us the whole drive, so it –'

Fun Ghoul interrupted. 'No, I mean that it sucks I wasn't there to see you all covered in grease and getting dirty.' That made Party smile. 'Didn't know you were the mechanic kind of guy.'

'I'm not. But my dad taught us a lot of useful stuff, just in case.'

'Well, maybe we need to open our own shop. Just so I can see you all sweaty and greasy.'

'Is that your fantasy now?'

Fun just giggled, and rolled to his side, and then got on top of him to kiss him. 'Maybe. I need to make up for all the time lost.'

They were so lost in the moment, getting burned under the sun, and tasting each other's lips as if they'd never kissed before, that they lost track of time. Until they heard Toxic Angel calling them for breakfast. 

When they walked in the kitchen, everyone was there, talking and eating already. 'I made PBJ sandwiches!' Toxic Angel told them.

'I was talking to her,' Kobra said. 'She said one of her friends can let us use their car to go home. But it could be a couple days before they're here.'

Party was clearly bothered by the whole situation. He just wanted to go home.

'So we called Dr D.'     

Both Ghoul and Party looked at him, confused and a little excited. But Kobra told them to shut the fuck up, and continued. 'Angel was the one who reached the radio station. She told them we were safe with her, but were stuck with no way to go home.'

'And he said he'd send someone as soon as possible,' Toxic Angel said.

Fun Ghoul couldn't stop smiling. After what seemed an eternity, he was going home with his family.


'So –,' Kobra started, sitting with Bob outside the shop. His brother and Ghoul had been talking to Toxic Angel inside, but Bob got anxious about the whole living in the desert situation, and Kobra took him outside for a cigarette. 'Have you thought about your new name?'

'Do I have to have one?' he asked.

'I mean, you can keep Bob, but it's not the most fun name. Plus, it's supposed to be a way to hide from BLI. Start all over again.'

'Okay. And how do I choose one?'

'You make it up.'

Bob laughed. 'I don't know if I'm made for this.'

'Why do you say that? You prefer to be one of them?'

'No. But I'm not fun like you guys.' Kobra knew he barely knew the guy, but it still hurt him a little to see him sad. 'I'm boring.'

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