Love, Gimme Love, Gimme Love

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Good morning, dust angels. This is Dr. Death Defying, and today is a new day. The sun is shining bright, toasting our skins and reminding us that we're alive and the battle isn't lost yet. The spirits may be low, but don't give up just yet, for an entire generation of rebel babies looks up to you. But no pressure. Keep your head high, and create as if your life depends on it.

Now I leave you with a classic from the golden days. This is The Middle, by Jimmy Eat World.


Fun Ghoul hung his head out the window of the Trans Am, enjoying the sun burning his face. He never thought there would come a day when he said he missed this, but here he was.

And after his time in Battery City, and all the artificial air, this felt like heaven. Especially when he had his family with him. Hearing Party singing to the songs on the radio, and Kobra fighting with Jet about who was the best superhero in comics, while Danger yelled at them to shut up, and Grace slept in Ghoul's lap. This was all he needed.

They were heading to Dr. D's shack. Apparently, he had something for them to do, and they had to talk about all the information that Ghoul and Danger had on BLI after working for them.

'You think they're gonna come looking for you?' Kobra asked in the backseat.

'Are you kidding me?!' Danger said, sounding bitter as usual. 'I'm sure they know where we are, and they're only waiting for the right moment to attack.'

'Wait –,' Ghoul stopped him. 'So you knew this whole time where we lived and what we were doing?'

'I mean – yes! It's not like it's a secret. Everyone in BLI talks about these fucking Killjoys who hacked the system to play cartoons on the screens. Korse hates you, guys!' Party can't help smiling proudly at that comment. 'I just had no idea Frank was involved in all of this, or that he was the famous Fun Ghoul.'

'Am I famous?!'

'Your posters are everywhere!'

'And you still had no idea your best friend was part of the most famous gang in the desert?!' Ghoul yelled, disappointed. 'You even know me?'

'I'm sorry! You had a black eye in that, and your face was covered in blood, and I never really stopped to look at the details.'

'Asshole!' They continued fighting until the car was parked outside Dr. Death's place, while the others just rolled their eyes. They'd been in the diner for almost a week, just resting and getting used to life again, that they'd almost forgotten they were supposed to be hiding, staying away from Korse and the Scarecrows.

'I hope you got enough rest, kids,' Dr. D said welcoming to his shack. 'You got work to do.' Without saying a word, they all sat around the table in the back of the main room, helping themselves to some Power Pup. 'How are you adapting, Citizen Danger?'

The blond man nodded, and shared a quick look with Kobra. 'It's taking me some time,' he said. 'But I think I got the hang of it.'

'You have the best in the Zones.'

Danger smiled at that. 'I know.'

There was a pause before Dr. Death spoke again. 'Ghoul tells me you were a Scarecrow.' Danger nodded. 'Now, we usually don't trust the enemy so easily. But Ghoul trusts you, and you're part of the family now, so I trust you. I'm going to need your help. You've been inside Better Living Industries, you know how they work, and whatever information you have.'

'I can tell you anything you need.'

The spent the next hours working on a map of Battery City, and he told them all the secret entrances, and the hideouts they had in the Lobby. Ghoul happened to have memorized the entire BLI building, which department was in which floor, and where the elevators were. 'I was the receptionist,' he explained. 'I had to know.'

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