You Can Run Away With Me, Anytime You Want

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Fun Ghoul was sleeping like a rock, and never noticed when Grace woke up, or how she was now having fun painting his face with markers.

'He's gonna love his new tattoos,' Party said when he found them. Grace had been with them for about a year now, and they were closer than ever.

When Fun finally woke up, Party tried not to laugh, as hard as it was. 'Morning, babe,' Fun Ghoul said, eyes half open, as he stole his coffee. He only reacted until Grace started giggling. 'What?' She then pointed at his face. 'What happened to my face?'

'Why don't you go look at it?'

When Fun saw Grace's designs, he couldn't help but smile. He loved being a dad. 'You stinky devil, come here!' he said, and then attacked her with kisses and tickles.

He then turned to Party. 'What are the plans for today?'

'Not much. B.L.I. put up some new ads a few miles from here. I was thinking graffiti?'

'I like that idea.'

Party got up, baby in arms. 'But first, let's eat something, and dye my hair, shall we?'

'Anything you want, hot stuff.' Fun got up and kissed him, his arms around both him and the girl. He couldn't believe how lucky he got.


Jet Star was in charge of the baby, while the rest got on the only billboard the city had, which now was all white, except for that stupid smiley face and the letters BLI, which were enough to boil Fun's blood. 'I hate them,' he mumbled between his teeth, and sprayed green paint on the ad. FUCK OFF.

Party and Kobra helped him finish his masterpiece. Lots of color and very abstract, but it was just how it was supposed to be.

As they started to get down, they saw them. Draculoids in their motorcycles, followed by a car.

'It was a trap,' Party Poison whispered. 'They knew we were going to do it.'

'There's no point in running,' Fun said, pulling out his gun. 'Fuck, Grace!'

'I saw Jet taking her to the store,' Party told him, trying to calm him down. 'If we get rid of them, they won't get to them.'

Fun nodded, nervous as hell. He'd defend her if it was the last thing he did.

When the Draculoids were right in front of them, the three of them started shooting their laser guns.

They got rid of one, and another one got hurt, but just then, the car parked. Two figures came out. Another Draculoid, and a tall, bald man with a gray overcoat. The Head Exterminator, Korse.

They'd seen him in ads, everywhere.

Fun – Frank had met him already. He remembered him from that night he stole the map. That's when he first heard about the Killjoys. Who would have thought?

But he was not about to tell them that.

He just took a breath and hoped he didn't remember him.

'Look, who I found!' Korse said with a laugh. 'The Fabulous Four! They're so rebellious!' He laughed again, getting closer. 'You would look so pretty dead. Especially you,' he said when he got to Party. 'You may have changed your name and the color of your hair, but I'm not stupid. I know who you are.'

Party did his best not to show emotion, but he could feel Fun was about to lose it. He wished he could explain, but it wasn't the time. Instead, he just reached for his hand and squeezed it.

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