Chapter 12

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Kaida POV

Waking up the next morning I'm grateful that its Saturday. Once I did finally fall asleep I had one dream after the other, every single one of them ending in my Death. When I finally woke up I was in a cold sweat. Checking the time, I decide its okay for me to get up since its just six am. 

I speed through getting ready, remembering the journal I found yesterday. I rush down to the library with the journal and blank one in hand, deciding I'm going to make my own journal about the curse as I attempt to break it. I'm not sure how I'll be able to break it since I specialize in potions more than anything else. 

I slip through the pages, searching for where I left off which I find rather quickly. I skim through more of the history before finding an account of the first kid that was effected by it. It seems as if they simply just didn't wake up, so a peaceful death hopefully. Luckily it wasn't their only child so the family line continue but as the line continued people would forget about it. At least for a little until it happened to another kid, but by then they had already lost or forgotten all the information they had gained, so it was a frustrating cycle. 

I decide that I should attempt to call my parents, even thought we rarely talk, mostly because they're out sailing across the world and barely get service. As usual, straight to voicemail. I sigh before continuing to read. 

There is little to no information, and its frustrating but I can see the frustration in my grandfathers writing as well. I wasn't quite sure until I find what seems to be a diary entry. 

I have nearly six months until she turns nineteen. I feel like I've lost all hope, my beautiful daughter might loose her life because I couldn't protect her. I promised to protect her, and when I found out about the curse, she was nearly five. I've been searching for answers, for a cure, for nearly fourteen years. 

I just want her to be able to grow old with her future spouse, to enjoy the wonders of parenthood, to be able to live. I so badly want her to grow old.

Looking a little closer at the page I can see water marks that seemed to have smudged the ink. It makes me tear up just a little. 

I flip to the end of the book, praying that maybe he did save her, that maybe he did break the curse and I have nothing to worry about. But there on the last page of the journal the words "She's gone"  shatter my hope.

Maybe, if I find all of his notes I'll be able to give it some new eyes, a new perspective. I rush around, back to his books to see if I can find anything else. I'm pulling book after book down, flipping through the with a new found determination. As I'm going through them that's when I see a tiny pin in the back of the book shelf. I look around carefully, not sure why since I love alone, but then I decide to pull it. I hear a loud creek that sends me stumbling back wards.

That's when it happens, the shelf moves, it falls into the floor revealing a brightly lit passage way. The passage way is lit by a soft blue flame in old iron lamps, and the walls are line din a dark oak paneling half of the way up, when the rest is a deep red paint. 

I peak around deciding I'll take my journals with me as I carefully step into the passage way. How did I never know this was here?

The hallway isn't too long and at the end of it is a decent sized room with a large desk in the center and a small fire going, also the blue flame. I look around before noticing a small bookshelf in the corner, filled with thick journals and a few hefty looking books. On the other end of the room there seems to be a small brewing station, and an alter. Everything seems clean, like its used often, but I sense the magic used in this place,  just a little spell to keep it clean and constantly ready. 

Carefully I look through the books, but I notice a spot that is the perfect size for the small leather bound journal I found yesterday. It's almost as if it had been taken purposefully. 

"Maybe the room wanted me to find it." I chuckle to myself before pulling out the first journal. 

I'm flipping through it when a I notice something fall to the ground. When I pick it up I realize its a letter, in my grandpas same old handwriting. 

I flip it around, seeing if there's anything else but it seems its just a one sided letter. I start reading it and I realize its a clue, he is writing a clue that he found, and from the date it looks like he found it right before he died. 

The letter her talks about an alter he found in the property, and he believes its the root of the curse, he throws around an idea about destroying it, but then later in the letter he talks about how he tried and he can't. Then he also brings up a book he found talking about how the curse was placed and that there might be a way by more time. So that the person could live longer. 

I have so many questions, so I start writing them down hoping I might be able to get some answers, maybe Damiana knows something.

I decide I should go talk to her so I put the journals back and slip the note in my book of shadows before heading back through the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel I find another pin in relatively the same spot making it easy for me to get out. I put the books back before heading out, wanting to make sure the secret room stays a secret. 

I give her a quick call making sure she's home before I drive all the way there. Luckily she is! When I get there she's waiting for me on her porch, giving me a small smile before offering me some coffee.

"Thank you Damiana, I really need this." I practically inhale it as she leads me inside, her familiar, Eclipse, shortly behind us.

"So what brought you over?" She asks, sitting back in her chair.

"Well I made a recent discovery, and I would really like to keep this between us, okay?" She nods, taking a sip of her tea.

"Well I discovered my family is cursed..." I trail off, how would you even start this conversation? I don't think there is a way without it seeming too weird, or stereotypical.

"What kind of curse?" She questions, but the look on my face seems to answer the questions for her. "I see."

"But, I found a note that might give me some answers, or at least a direction towards breaking it. Have you heard of anything like this before?" I hand her the note, and she proceeds to skim it. 

"Okay, I have but not often. Usually you can't break and alter because people usually place a protection ritual on it. Depending on the ritual, you might not even be able to break it. I might be able to help if you're able to find it but it's not too likely." she thinks for a second before continuing, " Amaya might be of more help to you honestly, but I understand if you don't want more people to know." I nod, not sure what I want to do.

"Maybe I'll try to figure it out on my own before hand, I don't want to get people involved unless I have too." She agrees with me, giving me her signature small smile before rubbing my hand.

"I believe in you, you'll figure it out." I thank her before getting up. 

"I really appreciate your help, thank you." We hug before I'm heading back home. I notice my phone go off on the way back but decide to wait until I get home to check it.

When I finally get inside I remember the text, when I check it I realize its Azazel.

Hey Kaida, I'd really really love to take you on another date! Just let me know when you're free!

I smile to myself before answering.

I'd love to as well, hows tomorrow at 5?

He's quick to respond, sending me a winky face. I set my phone down, just wanting to forget about my family issues for right now. 

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