Chapter 17

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Amaya POV

Kaida was able to get rid of Azazel last night, so I spent the night with her. We texted Jade letting her know our plan to meet at Damiana's at noon. 

Its noon now and I'm impatiently waiting for Kaida to get back from picking Jade up. My leg shakes and Tala paces back and forth behind me, excited for a change in pace. One the girls finally arrive so does Eclipse, trotting out of the brush like a stealthy panther. 

 "So whats going on?" Jade yawns as she gets out of the passenger seat. 

"Well, I found Damiana, now we just have to go get her." Jade raises a brow.

"Isn't sending all of us to get her a bad idea? Like what if something happens?" nodding, I dive into my game plan. 

" Yeah, I did think of that so I've decided Kaida will wait in her car and if we aren't back within an hour she's going to go get help." 

"Okay, but what help? We didn't report Damiana missing." Kaida asks.

"This might be a long shot but, Azazel" Jade puts her hands up.

"I thought he was working with Lazarus."

"He is, but trust me,  he'll help us." They look skeptical, but agree.

"Okay, back to the plan." They step in closer, making sure they can hear me. " Jade and I are going to follow Eclipse and Tala back to a cabin that she led me too. Then she'll be able to show us where exactly Damiana is-"

Jade interrupts me, " What if someone is there?" 

"Well Tala will distract them well we work on getting Damiana out." Tala stands a little taller, puffing her chest out. Jade seems to like that answer since she gives me a quick nod. "Any other questions?" They shake their heads before we disperse to our rightful places. 

Eclipse is quick to take off, leaving us practically in her dust. At first I struggle to catch her but soon after the house is out of view I catch sight of Tala's tail. 

"So how far in is this cabin?" Jade questions as we step through some oak trees.

"About twenty minutes in." I answer whilst stepping over a puddle. She makes a slight sighing sound before continuing the rest of the trek in silence.

"There!" I whisper shout, pointing through the trees at the chimney. "And it looks like someone is there." a shadow has appeared at the window, a wide broad shouldered shadow. I sent Tala out, towards the front. Then when we know shes made enough noise we follow Eclipse towards the back. 

"Tala? What are you doing out here?" I freeze when I hear the familiar voice. Jade glances at me before turning back to whats in front of us.

"Its a cellar." She comments. Looking down I notice the doors are closed by a large branch, but there's a little hole big enough for a cat to fit through. I point towards Eclipse, motioning her that way. I try to make as little noise as possible since I can still her his voice out front, and I successfully am able to remove the branch.

"Jade, can you jump in there and get her out?" I ask, which luckily it seems that was already her plan since she quickly, and almost silently lands on the concrete floor. I can hear someone struggling, making a little noise before I see Damiana. My jaw drops in shock as I see her covered in a thick layer of dirt and grime, her hair tied in thick knots and her finger nails broken or black with dirt. "Oh Damiana" I whisper to myself as Jade gets her untied. She barely able to walk and when she stands her legs shake intensively. Jade is able to lift her out to me, and luckily I can pull her out. 

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