Chapter 9

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Amaya's POV

I have wandered into Damiana's library shortly after I woke up. In here I find Damiana shuffling through multiple books and peering into what looks to be her book of shadows.

"Hey Damiana" I say as I take seat next to her. She doesn't look up when she responds, to invested in whatever she's reading. Leaning back in my chair I start to doze, not being able to sleep comfortably on a couch makes me extra tired apparently.

"I have a couple theories" Damiana looks up at me as she speaks, startling me out of my half asleep state.

"Oh?" I questions, is that what she's looking into?

"We all know Azazel can only be summoned, like he can walk around without being summoned but usually he'd stay hidden. I have a theory that Lazarus summoned him." I nod along, this is a perfectly logical theory, we just want to know why.

"Do you have any idea why?" Damiana drifts off for minute, tapping the dark oak table with her pointer finger as she thinks.

"I have a really big, kind of out there theory thats kind of based off of a vivid prophecy. Like so vivid I only saw two things." I nod, prompting her to continue. A vivid prophecy is better than nothing in our case.

"Right before he disappeared I had this dream like thing, all it showed me was the shadow of a mans face but I could see his eyes and everything was burning behind him. That's all I saw and I really thought it was just a bad dream but I still wrote it down in my journal. Luckily." I raise a brow, why luckily?

"His eyes reminded me of Aethers, I even wrote it in my journal that way. But his looked different they were bloodshot and hazed, nothing like Aethers. Aethers are always bright kinda like the moon, since they're so round too." agreeing with her I ask her about her theory.

"My theory is he summoned Azazel to either get information, or to distract us well he got information. What ever the information is, I have no idea. But, I think Azazel got off target and it irritated Lazarus so he decided to try and get information from Aether." Its such a real possibility, but what is he trying to get? What kind of information do we have that he wants. I'm deep in thought, pacing around the library trying to come up with ideas.

"Damiana, why do we have the protection spell? Is it to protect the town folk, or is there a different reason?" She raises a brow and then points a finger at me.

"You might be onto something there." she shuffles through some books, even turns to her computer but we find nothing.

"Maybe we are just looking in the wrong places." Damiana looks skeptical at first but agrees to keep looking.

Kaida POV

Azazel is still here when I wake up, not only is he still here he has me pulled to his chest. Oh Jesus why am I pulled to his chest? I gently try to shift my way out of his grasp, which at first is not working at all but after a couple minutes I feel like I'm going somewhere. Once I'm finally out of his grasp I creep into the kitchen and start the coffee.

I hear Damiana and Amaya's voice down the hall so with my cup of joe I decide to see whats up. I find them in the library, papers everywhere. They seem to have used an entire stack of bright pink sticky notes and a large assortment of tacks, it almost looks like they're trying to find a murder.

"Whatcha doing guys?" They both look up at the same time, Amaya gives me a big grin well Damiana just gives me her usual small smile.

"Just trying to figure some things out, connect the dots, that kind stuff." Amaya responds before going back to whatever it was she was doing. "Oh Kaida could you do us a favor and get Azazel out of here? I don't really want him to see this." I raise a brow but agree to nonetheless. I hope the decide to clue me in at some point.

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