Chapter 13

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Lazarus POV

I couldn't catch her, now I just have to find her.

She saw my tattoos, and now she could ruin my entire plan. I mean she could've anyways so now I just have another reason to get her. 

I've been watching her for a couple days now, and I finally decided tonight is the night, I'm going to take her back to the cabin. I don't think I'm going to tell Azazel about her so I might have to take her to the cellar, so through the back under the house. Yeah, that's a better idea.

I know she has a cat for a familiar, but I'll just use Ares for a distraction. Ares, my raven, sits on a branch not far from me, waiting for my signal. 

I see her in the window, filling a kettle with water. There's a frown settled on her face, something people don't see often. She rubs something on her wrist before turning back to her stove, I can see the scars peeking out of her tank top, the scares that decorate her back. I'm slightly curious as to what happened, but I have a task to focus on right now. 

Her cat sits in the window sill, staring almost directly at me. Its as if it can sense me, which makes me smirk a little. 

She starts to turn the lights out and that's when I signal Ares to distract the cat. As I watch the two I know we have the cat busy I make my way to the front porch. Creeping my way in I find her still down stairs, sitting on her couch. Luckily the lights are out so I'm covered by the darkness so I quietly creepy my way up to her. She starts to turn around but I already have something over her head.

She screams but I quickly knock her out with a swift hit to the head. The cat is running my way but Ares is in the house now flying around trying desperately to distract it. The cat gets one swipe at my forearm before my raven has pecked it hard enough to piss it off. Cursing under my breath I throw her limp body over my should starting the hike to the cabin. 

Its even later when I finally get there and I've had to knock her out a couple more times, but I finally have her in the cellar.  Luckily Azazel was asleep so he doesn't know still. I tie her up, gag her, and leave her with a blanket a couple bottles of water and a little thing of food. 

I smirk to myself, happy with my handy work before climbing out of the cellar, making sure to lock it as I head back to Aethers. 

Damianas POV

My heads pounding as I start to open my eyes. The ache in my wrist and feet isn't helping either. 

I was right, he was going to take me.

I have no idea where I am but I know that I'm gagged, and I can't see a damn thing. I try to struggle, make some kind of noise, kick something but its probably just a waste of energy, he's not a total dumb-ass so I'm most likely in the middle of no where. 

I try not to panic but the anxiety that is tightening around my chest is making it difficult to breath. I start with trying to untie my wrist bounds, if I can get that done at least I can ungag myself. I notice a little thing of water and food so that would be nice. 

Fuck, what did I get myself into. I lean my head back, just wanting this to be a bad dream. I almost wish I didn't see him but then we wouldn't have learned all the information we have now. I'm almost thankful, but that doesn't make this situation any better. I wish I had something with me, that I wasn't just in my pajamas. 

The concrete wall I'm leaning on is luckily making my head feel better, but its making the rest of me colder than I already am. As I start to drift off in thought, I hear a little meow. Glancing towards the little crack of light, I see Eclipse's little glowing eyes.

. She paws at the door, trying to figure out how to get in. It seems she found a little broken piece where she was small enough to squeeze in. She quickly crawls in my lap, rubbing her head against my jaw line trying to keep me warm as the temperature drops even more.  

Eclipse finding me gives me a little more hope, so I decide to try and figure out what is keeping me bound, from the feel of it I believe its a rope. But I can't tell where its knotted, or if it is at all. I struggle with it for a little while longer before deciding that plan is useless. 

I hope I'm not too far from town, maybe then someone will find me.

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