Chapter 18

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Lazarus POV

Shes gone.

Aether just told me that Damiana was found, and I can't stop pacing. She could ruin so much for me, destroy my entire plan. I can't kidnap her again, they're going to be all over her. 

Well maybe this could work even better. They're going to be all over her, and shes going to be shaken up after the entire thing so maybe she'll keep her mouth shut. If anything that would give me more of an opportunity to get everything for my ritual and find out where I need to cast it specifically. 

The only other issue is how did they find her? If they found the cabin maybe they know Azazel lives there, or maybe he invited them over? If he did then them finding her would be the least of my worries. God, I should've just done this by myself. 

Azazel POV

I'm waiting for Lazarus to show up, he called sounding quite angry and my guess is its about Damiana. 

I still want to know why he didn't tell me. Maybe he thought I would've helped her. She was pretty beat up when I saw her. It didn't look like he beat her or anything but she was tiny and dirty. I felt horrible, she was right under my nose and I had no idea.

"Azazel." He wastes no time as he steps inside the cabin. "Why did I hear about Damiana being found from my sister and not you?" He inspects the room closer than normal as he walks around.

"Well I wasn't aware that you were the one that took her" Not super believable, but to be fair he didn't tell me.

"You didn't hear where she was found?" I shake my head.

"Kaida just told me they found her not far from her house, they were a little distracted." Lazarus thinks about my response for a minute before giving me a little nod.

"Well then lets move on to why I really came here." I nod, letting him continue. "I found out where the spell needs to take place, I just need to gather the materials." I try not to hold my breath, but I was hoping I'd have more time, but it seems I'm going to have to speed this up.

"When will you be preforming the ritual?" He stands in front of the map he placed on the wall, tracing his finger along the roads. 

"Sunday." He glances back at me, making sure I heard him. "So that gives you two days to gather everything on the list. Then you will leave it here on this table and go off and distract the girls." I nod as he hands me the list. "You must not go to the girls for any of these things, they'll become suspicious." I wave him off.

"I know, I have a pretty good idea of where to find these things elsewhere." He glares a little before shaking his head.

"Okay good, now I'm going to head out, don't be late with that list." Hes stern when he says it, sometimes I forget hes not even eighteen. He's one crazy ass though, that's for sure.

I told Kaida to call me at three, so if Lazarus was still hanging around he'd think they'd just want me to hangout. Just like I asked, its exactly three when my phone starts to go off.

"Hello?" I already know what she's going to say, but I have to try and play it off.

"Hey Azazel, I was wondering if you wanted to meet up or something, I need a break from the girls." I chuckle slightly as I grab my coat. 

"Yeah, I can meet you at your place if you'd like." I hope she says yes, because this is off script.

"Yeah that's fine, do you need a ride?" I start to shake my head before I remember she can't see me.

"Nah, its fine. I'll see you soon!" She's quick to respond before we hang up. 

I practically skip out of the door I'm so excited, I haven't seen her one on one in a while and I know last time we didn't end it the best. I really hope she'll let me make it up to her because I really do like her. 

When I finally make it to the house she's sitting on the front porch in sweats and a hoodie, sipping probably her third cup of coffee.  "Hey" She says as she gives me a little wave well I make my way down her drive way.

"How many cups is that?" I ask, leaning in for a hug.

"Oh, I lost count. I didn't really sleep last night." She gives me a little smile, but I can see the exhaustion clouding her beautiful eyes. Wow, I need to relax. 

"Well do you want to go watch a movie? Or we could nap, I don't mind." Flashing me another smile she shakes her head. 

"No, I'll be fine." shrugging I take the seat next to her.

"So, how is she?" Kaida frowns a little before looking off through the trees.

"Well, Amaya helped her bathe last night so she's looking a lot better, just really thin and dehydrated. But we were able to get her to drink some Gatorade, which is something at least." I rub her hand a little, hoping to provide some comfort. 

"Its a start at least." Kaida doesn't say anything, she just sets her cup down and clutches my hand. We sit there in silence for a while before she stands up.

"Lets go inside, I want to make some lunch." I smile, cooking with her is always enjoyable. Sadly I've only been able to experience it once in my life. 

It was our last date, we were here and we decided to make bread. Don't ask me it was her idea, I guess she needed some more sourdough. It was a little messy, and the flour kept flying around the kitchen, but we were able to make a pretty amazing crispy and fluffy sourdough. I was pretty impressed to say the least. 

Once I finally get to her kitchen I notice she's already got water boiling and noodles out ready to be cooked. "Starting without me I see." she gives me a little laugh as she chops some veggies for what looks to be a salad. 

"I just like a head start." She doesn't even look up as she says it but I can see the twinkle in her eye. God I love this girl.

Wait what? 

I physically stop as soon as that thought passes through. Kaida looks up at me confused at my sudden rigidness. 

"Everything okay?" She asks, putting her knife down.

"Oh, um yeah." I try giving her a convincing smile but it seems it wasn't convincing enough. She walks my way, looking me right in the eye the entire time.  She wraps her arms around my waist, and leans her head on my chest.

"Are you sure?" My heart feels like its going to jump out of my chest, and I know she can hear it because she giggles slightly. "Do I make you nervous?" I try to say something but nothing comes out. I pick my next best option, hugging her back.

I pull her in a little closer, putting my mouth right next to ear. I put her hair behind her ear before whispering back to her, "Do I make you nervous?" There's no denying the anxiety that is coursing through my body right now, but I want to at least pretend I know what I'm doing.  To my surprise she doesn't say anything, just hums back in response. We begin to sway to our own little beat, just enjoying each others company when we're interrupted by the timer.

My mind races a million places as she dishes up our plates, sliding me a little side salad as she finishes up the spaghetti sauce. We eat in silence though, not feeling a need to say anything just enjoying being together.  After we eat I remember our deal.

"Oh I do need to tell you something kind of important though." She turns to me, giving me her full attention. I lean in, just so only she can hear me.

"He found where the power source is, somewhere in town, he plans to preform the ritual on Sunday."  She freezes.

"That only gives us two days." I nod, knowing how upsetting this is, they were hoping to have months to plan. "Okay, thank you for telling me I'll let Amaya know tonight." 

With that being discussed we head to her couch, laying down, just for us to drift off as tv plays in the background.

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