Chapter 4

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My biology teacher continues to talk on as I space off. Azazel sits next to me, he's been passing me sticky notes all morning, I haven't read them yet, but he keeps making more. I continue to shove them in my backpack, trying to think about everything we discovered yesterday, but he wouldn't give up. I glance down at my paper to see he has covered it in writing, not even just the answer boxes. He wrote over the questions and directions, and well into the margrines.

"What!? What the hell is this?!" I shout, everyone looks up at me as my wave my paper around. Azazel starts to turn red as he holds laughter back, my rage grows as I wave the paper in his face.

"Do you want to go on a date?" He asks and I stop mid wave. I glance at the paper, noticing thats what's been written all over the page.

"Are you fucking kidding me, thats what you wasted my paper for?" He shrugs in response before lifting an eyebrow.

"Thats not a yes or no...?" He says quite questionably.

"Fuck it why not, I'm still pissed." He laughed before turning back to his paper. When I look up everyone is staring. He smirks slightly before answering.

"I noticed, you've been using fuck in every sentence. Is it a sign? Are you trying to get me into your oh so beautiful home?!" He plays it up good and I'm guenily shocked. Kaida makes eye contact with me before smirking.

"It looks like she doesn't even have to try! You're already begging for it!" Kaida yells and I can't hide the laughter that escapes my mouth. Glancing over I see Azazel, his smirk getting bigger as the conversation goes on.

"Well you se-" Mr.Moore cuts him off. 

"I would really rather not hear about my students sex lives please and thank you, I'm already disgusted by you guys hugging." He shutters before sitting back down, focusing on his phone once more. We laugh a little before we start to get to work again.

"So where are we going? And when is this date?" I ask, leaning over his shoulder. He glances over at me, smiling a little.

"Well that pizza place seems to be a hot spot, unless you have a better place." I think for a second, listing the limited things we could do in a small town.

"What if we just go to my place, have a fire and roast s'mores over by the river." He raised a brow.

"Trying to get me into bed so soon?" I laugh before shrugging a little.

"Like Kaida said, you're already begging for it." I wink a little before getting up to grab a new paper. 

"Soooo, a date with the new kid already?" Mr.Moore kicks his feet up and smiles. I laugh rolling my eyes slightly.

"I'm hot what do I have to say?" I flip my hair laughing as I strut away, I barely hear him, but his faint laughter was there.

"Do you want to do this tomorrow? After school?" Azazel asks as I sit back down. I think about it for a minute before nodding.

"Ya, Kaida and I have a dinner date tonight." I said it slightly loud hoping Kaida would respond, and when I look up she meets my eye before going straight face.

"Ya! Stop trying to take my women!! Jeez!!" Mr.Moore rolls his eyes a little before smiling, and Kaida and I just start dying.

"You guys are weirder than I thought." Azazel whispered, but I laugh a little letting him know I heard him. 

School felt slow, after my eventful biology class I spent the rest of my day spacing off. I was quite focused on Azazel, him being a fallen angel had peaked my curiosity. Not only that, but someone had to have summoned him, and we still don't really know who. 

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