Chapter 10

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Amaya POV

Everyone but Aether knows about Damiana's prophecy, and it shows. 

Lazarus showed up a week ago and since then we haven't heard about anything but him from Aether. I don't blame her, she got her brother back, but it does bother me that she seems blinded by her love so much that shes missing all the signs. Like how Lazarus has been a complete asshole to everyone but Aether, sometimes even in front of Aether. 

Just the other day, we were doing a study group at her house and he completely shoved Damiana, knocking her over. Aether kind of just laughed it off, telling him he should watch where he's going. To that he just sneered at Damiana. But to Aether, he gives her hugs and is polite, so she's almost blinded by all of this.

The one time he isn't around is school, and we are so thankful for that, well besides Aether.

"I keep trying to get Lazarus to come to school, but he keeps brushing it off, or says its unnecessary." she lets out a little sigh before picking through her food.

"Have you ever thought about what hes doing when you're gone?" Jade asks. Aether raises a brow, clearly confused. "Like you were just saying the other day that your house has been a wreck ever since he showed up. Have you ever wondered why?" I can tell Jade is getting uncomfortable, clearly aware she could set Aether off.

"What are you implying?" Aether starts to glare, and I can see Jade visibly gulp.

"Nothing, never-mind." Jade glances over to me, aware of the shit she probably just started. Aether says something about a teacher and then walks off, her jaw clenched the entire time. 

As soon as she is out of sight Jade is quick to apologize, "I'm sorry guys, I didn't think about it before I said something." 

"Its fine, she just hasn't connected the dots yet, hopefully she does soon." Kaida says. Speaking of Kaida, I noticed lately that Kaida seems more distant, she did say that she had a really good date with Azazel though. So that can't be bothering her, I need to ask her whats up soon. 

We finish lunch up quickly, deciding we should meet for pizza after school, and we should invite Azazel. That is another thing that's been bothering me lately, since Lazarus showed up we're seeing less and less of Azazel. I wonder if Damiana's theory is right, Lazarus showed up because Azazel wasn't doing what he wanted. 

School is finally over and we're taking our sweet time getting to the pizza parlor, but sadly no one could find or get a hold of Azazel, I hope he's doing okay. But then again maybe we shouldn't invite him to everything if we are suspicious of him. If we stop inviting him though, Lazarus might catch on, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

"Has anyone seen Aether?" Jade asks, I think she's been feeling guilty.

"No but I sent her a text letting her know we're going to the spot." Damiana chimes in as she gets into her car.

"Okay, Well I'll see everyone there." We wave to one another before pulling out, which took ages. Getting out of a high school parking lot is one of the worst things in the entire world. There's people going way too fast and then there is also just people everywhere, and half the time they aren't paying attention.

I finally pull into the pizza parking lot and see everyone has beat me. Including Aether and she looks heated. I can see her leaning over the table through the window. Everyone either looks frightened or angry. Really Kaida just looks angry, everyone else is frightened as she stands up straighter.  I slowly make my way towards are table but when she see me she stands up straighter and points a finger at me.

"Are you the ring leader of all this?" I raise a brow, of what? What would I be leading?

"Ring leader? Of what?" She rolls her eyes at me. This is so out of character for Aether, Kaida is usually the hot headed one.

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