Chapter 5

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The final bell rings and I sigh a little, ready to get home and hold Tala. That is before I remember my date with Azazel. I make my way to the car, smiling to myself as George Strait drifts through the speakers. I hum along as I wait for Azazel to show up, worried he's trying to just say he forgot. I smile slightly when I see him waving at me through a crowd of people. 

"Give me a minute Amaya!!" He yells before running off. I shrug before I continue to hum along to codigo by George Strait. He barrels into the car before giving me a little smile. "Sorry I forgot the flowers I got you." He says as he hands me a bouquet of wildflowers.

"Oh wow, these are beautiful. Thank you!" I smile at him before setting them in the middle console of my car. I put the car in drive as we start to talk about school.

"So how has your day been so far?" he asks as he pulls on his sleeve of his hoodie. I shrug as I take a slow wide turn.

"It could have been better, nothing interesting really happened." He nods along as I talk, "How about you? How was your day?" I turn the music down a little more, making sure I can hear him.

"I mean honestly, about the same. I didn't do much, it was kind of a boring day." I nod, glancing over at him as I speed up a little. "So, do all of you guys live out here?" I glance over as we pass Kaida's drive way.

"Um, ya pretty much, we're all spread out but we all live on the outskirts of town. We actually just passed Kaida's place." I sneak a peak once again.

"Why, like do you all live in shacks or something?" I laugh shaking my head as we pull into my drive way. "Holy shit, how old is this house?" I shrug slightly before grabbing my stuff.

"All of our houses are passed on through generation, so over a hundred years old." He stands there in awe, staring up at my huge front doors and large stair case. I see Tala round the corner of the wrap around porch, her tail wagging as she walks. As soon as she see's who's with me she tenses. Her hair rises on her neck and her teeth are bared. I stand in front of him, telling her to knock it off. She growls rolling her eyes, her hair goes down but her eyes never let him leave her sight.

"Sorry she isn't around strangers often." He smiles shyly as he rubs his arm.

"Its fine I get it" he says as he glances at her wearily. I take him in the house, Tala following closely. I grab the marshmallows and graham crackers, asking if he likes reeses or chocolate.

"Reese of course." I smile laughing as I throw the marshmallows at him. He grins slightly as we head out to the fire pit. I start the fire and wrap up in a blanket as we wait to let the fire start to turn to coals. 

"So whats your favorite color?" I ask, he looks up and raises a brow.

"Is that really the best you got? 'Whats your favorite color?" I laugh before throwing a marshmallow at him.

"Just answer the question stupid." he rolls his eyes.

"Stupid, wow creative." I shake my head slight as he smiles at me, "I'd probably say Purple." I nod, slightly surprised.

"I thought you were going to be emo and say black." He throws his head back slightly laughing as he shakes his head no.

"Whats your favorite season?" I think for a second, trying to decide.

"Either like the middle of summer or when it starts to become fall but its still warm... If you know what I mean?" He nods taking it in.

"I'd have to say summer honestly." he says as he tosses the marshmallow back at me.

"Do you want kids?" I ask and he puts his head down.

"If I could yeah..." the color drained from my face, and I felt the guilt build in my chest.

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