Chapter 3

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I open one eye, just barely, but I can see the massive mess of popcorn spread across my living room. Kaida lays in the arm chair, her hair a mess of popcorn and fly a ways. Shaking my blanket off I carefully step over a sleeping Tala, tip toeing my way up to the bathroom.

Finally shaking all the popcorn into the garbage I stumble into the shower. Making sure to take my time scrubbing my face and washing the butter off. I hear Kaida as I slipped on some jeans and a bralette. Pulling  a tee-shirt on I grab my shoes before going to check on her. 

Stepping onto the landing I hear the crashing of pots, I stand there for a minute not wanting to see what just happened, but I slowly walk the rest of the way to the kitchen.

"Kaida? Is everything okay?" I ask, carefully stepping into the kitchen. She smiles sheepishly up at me.

"One of your pots fell well I was grabbing a bowl... sorry?" she says before continuing to spin the whisk. Peaking over into the bowl I see a substance that looks similar to batter. 

"So... Whatcha makin?" I question, leaning onto the counter. She shoos me away before she continues to hum a tune. I smirk slightly grabbing Tala's food. I wait patiently in the dinning room until Kaida brings in a huge platter of pancakes.

Taking my time I slowly eat two, as Kaida scarfs down three or four, practically inhaling them. My plates wiped clean, so I began cleaning up the kitchen. As I finish putting the last bowl away, Kaida throws my backpack at me. "Come on we have thirty minutes until class starts!" 

I swear slightly as we rush out the door to my car, I rush out of my drive way flying around the curves. It takes us roughly twenty-five minutes to get to school and at least five minutes to fine a parking spot. 

Pulling into the school parking lot I sigh slightly when I see the others standing in an empty parking spot. They move over as I pull in smiling sheepishly as I put my car into park. "Thanks guys, I had a pancake mess to clean up this morning." Kaida chuckles as we all start making out way towards the school. 

We're laughing and giggling as we make our way into biology, talking about our final project. As I go to sit down I notice that guy sitting next to me. The guy that ran across my property and made eye contact, he's suddenly popping up everywhere. I slowly sit down, and as the class starts I watch him out of the corner of my eye. He seems to be paying attention, but as he works I notice his skin. His skin is the color of the thunder clouds that float over Washington in February. I shudder slightly before trying to focus on my teachers lecture on lipids. 

We're handing this packets and told to get to work, but as I flip through the pages I feel the color drain from my face. "What the hell, what is this?" I mutter slightly before I put my head down. I feel a tap on my shoulder, and looking up I see that weird guy.

"Do you need help?" he practically whispers. I stare at him, not quite sure what to say.

"Where you the guy that ran through my property a week ago?" I quickly throw my hands over my mouth, not quite sure why I said that. He laughs, a nervous laugh before he gives me a small smile.

"Uh yeah, that was me." I raise my eyebrow slightly, wanting him to say more.

"Why didn't you just come into town on the highway like a normal person?" I ask, in response he shakes his head at me. Waving me off, he pulls his paper closer to me. As he begins to explain lipids to me my mind flows with more questions.

"...they are [find notes on lipids]" he glances up at me, and I catch a peak of him rolling his eyes," Are you even listening?" he asks. I shake my head no as I continue to put things together in my head.

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