Chapter 19

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Damiana POV

The girls have kept me practically locked up since they got me out of that hell hole. Like I understand I'm weak but I didn't think it was that bad. But I guess I am having trouble walking and keeping food down so I shouldn't complain too much. 

Amaya hands me a glass of water and then sits down, she picks at her nails before looking up at me. "So..." I make eye contact with her, her hesitation clear, "We know when he's going to try and raise hell.." She trails off again, this can't be good.

"When?" We were hoping for months to plan but it seems like that's not likely.

"Azazel said Sunday, so I need to know if you have any idea where the power source is." Not months to prepare than, that only gives us one days and he's already one upped us. 

"I mean if you have my journals and book of shadows I can look, but I'm not so sure." I hope theres something in there. 

"Yeah of course I have them in my room so I'll go grab those for you." As she walks up those stairs I start to think back to my first vision, hoping maybe something in that will give me some idea but really all I saw in that vision was fire and his eyes. My thoughts are interrupted by Amaya holding my books out. "Sorry didn't mean to startle you." She laughs a little before heading into the kitchen.

I flip through some of my earlier entries about my dreams and prophecies but nothing stands out to me. I start to go more towards the middle, this is when I see a drawing. The drawing is merrily a rough sketch with details written off in thought bubbles but it gives me all the information we are going to need to get a head start.

"Amaya I know where it is." She peeks around the corner, hope sparkling in her eyes.

"Well, what's the next step?" I lean back for a minute. Trying to think of something to do next.

"I think Aether would be a lot of help, but how do we get her to work on our side?" thats when it hits me. "We need Azazel to try and record a video of him and Lazarus, but from a distance, maybe then she'll help us." Amaya doesn't seem to agree with that.

"What about the what ifs? Like what if she goes to Lazarus? Then Azazel would get turned in, what if we have you talk to her. Then he wouldn't know everything we know if she doesn't believe us." I nod, agreeing that this is our best shot. 

"I'll call her over, than we can talk." Amaya gives me space as I invite Aether over, and luckily she agrees to come talk.

She's here a lot quicker than I expected, and luckily gives me a big hug. This puts us off on a good starting place.

"Damiana I'm so glad you were found, where were you? Did someone take you?" She asks all the right questions, but ones she probably doesn't want the answers too.

"Yeah me too, but I was in a cellar, under a cabin... and yeah someone did take me." Her eyes go wide.

"Was it the same things that took Lazarus? But why are they after us?" This might be harder than I thought.

"Aether, this might be hard for you to hear." I place my hand on her leg, "I want you to know I'm being one hundred percent honest and we need your help. But your brother is the one that took me." She gets angry for a second, I can see her face start to heat up and she goes to open my mouth but I stop her. "Look, I want to show you some of the visions I've had, maybe it'll give you the proof you need to come to terms with this. If it doesn't, then I won't bring this up to you again." The anger is still clear on her face but she lets me continue. 

I start with my first vision, allowing her to read through it. 

"I thought prophecies change all the time though, and all the evidence this has is eyes that look like mine." I nod along, but flip to a more recent one.

"I had this one nearly two years ago and it describes the tattoos I saw on his arms." she goes to protest again but than stops herself.

"I saw some of them..." She whispers softly.

"Some of what?" I don;t want to push, but god I want her to say it.

"I saw some of the tattoos you were talking about. He doesn't know but he had asked me for the first aid kit, I had gone to go help him and when I walked in I saw his forearms. I backed out before he saw me." She looks ashamed, shaking her head slightly. "I wanted it to be a lie."

"I know Aether, and I'm sorry its not but we really do need your help. He's trying to do horrible things with his magic, and your ability could really help us out." Aether puts her face in her hands. 

"I don't know Damiana, it could all be a coincidence." Sighing I grab her hand.

"Aether, we both know that its no coincidence, so are you going to help or not?" It takes a second but finally she responds.

"Yes, I'll help." I smile wide, grateful for her. I understand this is hard, but she's making the right decision.

"Thank you Aether, so much. For right now I need you to gather as many cleansing and protecting  stones and  herbs as you can. Also act normal, he can't know about this." She gives me a little nod and starts to stand up.

"Where do I bring all of these?" She asks.

"Here, in a few hours, we don't have much time." She doesn't seemed to fazed by the time crunch, and gives me another hug before heading out.

"Time for phase two." I whisper to myself.

"Hey Azazel, whats something you could easily fuck up for this ritual?" He came by with Kaida, they seem to have gotten closer.

"I mean I could easily mess up a herb blend." That's it!

"Do that please, it'll by us some time." He smirks, an evil little smirk.

"Good thinking, I'll work on that this evening." I smile back out him, "Also I wanted to apologize, I had no idea you were under there and I'm so so sorry for that." I wave him off.

"Its okay, I'm doing really well anyways I just want to make sure we have this sucker fried." Azazel laughs at this, liking my little analogy.

Amaya POV

Damiana was able to figure out where the power source is located by things she noticed in a vision, like how certain roads connected or certain store front. I'm glad she was able to do that because I would never have guessed that this place is the power source. 

Just a few streets off the main road a old logging mill stands, abandoned and never touched again. Well by loggers that it, the local teens like us like to throw the occasional party here. This placed is covered in graffiti, broken beer bottles and whatever else was left, is where the towns power source is. It just makes it easier for us to use our magic without being caught.

As it starts to get dark we begin leaving salt around the boarder of the property, and digging holes for crystal and herb mixes to help repel and protect. It won't do much but at least its a start. If we can start by setting barriers up it'll make him weaker when it actually comes down to the fight. 

We also do the same thing around the outside of the building, just to give it an extra layer. God I hope this works. 

On top of this Kaida has made multiple potions that won't only distract him but will also make him hallucinate, making it easier to beat him. We already know he's stronger, so we're just trying to be smarter.  

"Does anyone know when he's coming?"" Kaida asks as we set up an alter.

"Aether estimated midnight." We all sigh, knowing its going to be a long night.

Finally we have everything set up, every trap, trick, and barrier we could think of. Azazel showed up not too long ago, and now its show time. 

Lazarus is at the gates, the furry plain on his face, the mixed up herbs was just the start Lazarus. 

It takes ages until he's actually in the mill but as soon as he enter he's hit with potion after potion, barrier after barrier. I watch as he struggles to stand, making it easy for Azazel to take him by surprise. 

This is when the final part of our plan takes place, Lazarus is banished, Azazel has sent him deep into isolation, never to be seen again. 

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