Chapter 14

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Amayas POV

I've called and called Damianas phone but it just goes to voicemail. She didn't show up for school, and she was supposed to pick Jade up. 

This is very out of character for her, I don't think she's ever missed a day of school, so I'm beginning to panic. We did all decide we were going to drive to her house, see if she got hurt or something, or maybe she just lost her phone?

Aether did show up today though, and I did ask her if she heard from Damiana. At first when I approached her she looked angry, but when I asked her about Damiana she started to look worried.

"No I haven't, is everything okay?" She asks.

"We aren't sure, no one can get a hold of her and she was supposed to get Jade this morning but didn't show up." Aethers brow knits together as she begins to think.

"Maybe her parents showed up?" I shake my head.

"We all know her parents want nothing to do with her." Aether nods before shaking her head.

"Are you guys going to her house after school?" I nod, and invite her to come along.

"Yeah, I'll meet you guys there." I'm glad she's at least worried, shows maybe she is starting to go back to her normal self.

We all spend the day anxiously waiting for the final bell. Or for something from Daimana. When we don't get a text or phone call by the end of the day we all rush over. When we're pulling up to her house everything seems normal, until we get to the front. Her door is wide open, swinging in the mind.

"Why would her door be left open?" Jade asks, but as soon as she says it her eyes go wide. "You don't think..." She glances my way as she trails off. I shrug, not wanting to jump to conclusions, even if my gut is telling me Jade's right. 

We all slowly walk up the steps, looking at everything that could give as a clue as to what happened here. 

"Does anyone see Eclipse?" Kaida shouts from in the house. 

"No!" We all shout back.

"Well I found her paw prints." Jade says. Glancing over we see Damianas tiny kitties paw prints leading a trail down the stairs.

"Is that blood?" Aether asks. Jade takes a closer look before slowly nodding her head.

"We found blood Kaida!" I shout, hoping Kaida heard me. By the sound of it she did, since I can hear her crashing down Damianas stairs as she tries to get to the front of the house.

"How much?!" She asks frantically. I motion towards the kitty paw prints and she relaxes. 

"I did find what look like raven feathers in the house." Aethers face pales. 

"Lazarus's familiar is a Raven..." Jade whispers. We all just stand there silently, not wanting to say something that could set Aether off. She just stares off for a minute before walking into the house.

"Damianas tea is cold." She shouts. We all look between each other, slightly confused, before we realize she found her tea. "And mostly on the ground..." Aether adds.

When walking into the living room I notice that her tea is not only on the ground but also on her couch. 

"Someone grabbed her?" Kaida suggested. 

"Fuck I hope not, but that seems most logical at the moment."

"Why would someone do that?" Aether asks.

" I mean I have a couple reasons." I say, most the girls nod, everyone but Aether.

"Is this just a sick joke?" we raise our brows, confused at her comment.

"Is this you guys trying to convince me my brother is a horrible person?"

"Why would we joke about our friend missing? Its just we have information that lead to him Aether, we aren't wrongfully running around and accusing people." Kaida says, staring daggers at Aether.

"Yeah? What is that information than?" 

"She saw his tatttoos." Aether looks confused, " They had black magic symbols in them, and references to Satan."Aethers eyes turn to slits.

"You guys are fucking crazy, Lazarus doesn't have any tattoos. He was taken! How the fuck would he have gotten tattoos well he was being held hostage?!"

"You really believe that? He was held hostage why? And if he was being held hostage how was he able to just walk into your back yard without a scratch or bruise? That doesn't even make sense Aether!" Kaidas face starts to turn red as she becomes more frustrated.

"He finally escaped! He was able to run away!" Aether shouts back.

"Without a scratch Aether? Come on think logically. The man is using you." Theres Kaida, blunt as usual.

"Why would you say that? He would never do such a thing, he loves me! Thats my brother and you're saying he's using me?" Tears start to form in her eyes, "You guys are fucking evil, tricking me into coming so you can break me down, and turn against my own brother. You're the evil ones." She runs out the door, and we can hear her take off down the road.

"Well that didn't go well." Jade says, anxiously twiddling her thumbs. 

"Yeah... Maybe next time Kaida you should be a little softer with your words." I add.

"I was just saying what everyone was thinking." She shrugs before heading back to her car. I stand there for a minute, not sure what else to do.

"Hey if anyone sees Lazarus, see if he has any scratches on his forearms." Kaida yells.

"Why?" Asks Jade.

"If Eclipse did get him, it was probably on his arm somewhere." I add, still staring at Damianas house.

They take off, but I decided to look around some more, see if I can find any more clues. Well I'm looking around her house I don't find any clues helping us find her but I do find her books and journals she was using for our other issue.

"Damiana, did you forget to mention that information about the town?" I say to myself as I flip through her journal. Not only did she answer our question, but I think she discovered why Lazarus came here. Fuck, I hope he isn't going to kill her.

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