Chapter 1 - Rude Awakening

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I opened my eyes, slowly with my eyelashes fluttering and was immediately stunned. I didn't know where I was. I tried to sit up but I couldn't. My head was pounding and I couldn't move. My mind was screaming at me to move my legs, my arms, anything. Move! I stiffly turned my head and looked around the room. It wasn't until I noticed the beeping machine beside me, that I knew I was in a hospital. My eyes widened in shock. How did I get here? I tried to speak, tried to scream but my throat hurt, burned actually. I attempted to clear it but couldn't. It felt like sand paper scraping against my neck.

As I was making strange noises to speak, a nurse came rushing into the room. "Oh its so great to see you're awake. Let me go get your parents." She announced. The nurse seemed so joyous to see me and I had to wonder why.

A few seconds later I saw my mom and dad come rushing through the door. "Oh honey! I've been so worried." My mom was crying as she hugged me. "What happened?" I asked, looking around the room at the faces surrounding me. My mom looked at the nurse with a confused and distraught look. "I will go get the doctor." She said walking out of the room without looking at my parents or I. My parents were just sitting beside my bed silent. My mother was holding my hand, stroking it lightly, mumbling.

A couple minutes later a tall slim man came walking through the door. "Hi. I'm Doctor Whithersmen" He said sticking out his hand and my parents shook it firmly. "From what happened to Ashley, we can conclude that she is suffering from Amnesia. It means that she has memory loss. We don't think she has lost everything. She can remember bits and pieces of things. For example, Ashley who are these people?" He asked me. "My mother and father." I tried to say but my voice was cracky and low. He nodded, "See, but she wont remember a lot. Most of the things she wont remember are things that occurred recently. There's usually a time in the past or a date that is kind of the line of what they will remember or not." He said looking at me carefully. I was just looking back and forth between my mother and my father. "Is it permanent?" My father asked Dr. Whithersmen. "We don't know sir. It could be but it could also just last a while. Only time will tell. I will be back in a while. If you need anything just hit the buzzer." He said nodding to a red button beside my bed before exiting my room.

"Mom, what happened?" I asked. "How about we just see what you can remember first okay darling?" My dad interrupted. I nodded, wishing he'd just answer my question. "My name is Ashley Rothesay, my birthday is January 23rd. Today is, I don't know." I said looking around the room for a calendar. "That's a good start, today is May 22nd." "What else?" My dad nagged. "Um, I remember the house we live in. It is a three bedroom house. My room is blue with the puffy 3D clouds on the ceiling and my fish Goldie on my bedside table." My parents glanced at each other. "And Danny's room is right down the hall from mine." I said slowly, searching their eyes for answers. My mom stared at me with wide eyes before breaking into a fit of sobs. "What did I say?" I asked looking helplessly. My dad didn't answer, he just put his arms around my mom and hugged her. "I need to go to the washroom and freshen up."My mom said running out of the room. "Daddy?" I asked innocently, urgently. "Ashley, Dan died in a car accident two years ago." Now my dad was tearing up. My sob was caught in my throat and I choked. My older brother Dan died? "No!" I shrieked when I finally got something out. I started crying now too. My dad put his arm around me and held me for a while. I finished crying and looked up at him. "Well, we can at least say that you cant remember that. That's a start." Then he added, "I better go check on your mother. Maybe we will go get you something from the cafeteria too okay?" I nodded as he got up and left the room. I looked beside my bed and there was a table with a drawer, a remote for the TV and a phone on it. I opened the drawer to see some pens, a notepad and a deck of cards. I grabbed the notepad and a pen. I flipped open the book and on the first page I wrote.

Things I forgot:

- Danny's death: 2 years ago

I decided that I was going to keep track of what I remembered and what I forgot. I knew that I had memory loss but I don't know what from. What happened to me? I was trying to remember, I was trying so hard. I closed my eyes and focused but all I was seeing was a logo. 1D. I didn't know what it meant but that was all I could see, so I drew the logo in the corner of the page hoping something would come to me. I got frustrated because I didn't know what happened or what it meant. I put the paper and pen away and slammed the drawer shut.

"Hey, are you okay over there?" I heard a small voice say. It was just then that I noticed the curtain halfway through the room. I reached as far as I could and slid the curtain to the side. Behind the curtain was a boy. Looked about my age with dark brown, short hair and blue eyes. "Im sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you." I said politely, blushing at my actions. He smiled at me. "Its fine, I just wanted to see if you were okay. I'm Tyler by the way." "I'm Ashley." I smiled back at him. "So, what are you in here for?" He asked. "Apparently, amnesia but obviously I don't remember." We both laughed. "Sucks. Sorry to hear that." He said sincerely. "What about you?" I asked him. "I don't really know. I was feeling very weak and faint so I'm in here for testing." He said throwing his hands in the air. I laughed again. Then the nurse came back into the room. "Tyler, its time for a couple of tests and scans. You ready?" She asked. He nodded and took a deep breath. "Ill see you when you get back." I said. "Bye Ashley." He said waving. I smiled, and waved back. Then I heard the door open again. I thought it was going to be the nurse or my parents again, but I was surprised to see a brown haired boy with brown eyes walk in. "Hey Ash, how you doing?" He asked sitting down beside me. "These are for you." He said handing me roses. How did he know I loved roses and who was he? "Um thanks there beautiful." I said taking them hesitantly and putting them on the table "How are you feeling?" He asked sweetly. "I'm okay, but my head hurts a bit. Okay, I'm sorry but can I ask you a question?" I said. "Of corse." He answered and then smiled. He had a cute smile. "Who are you?" I blurted out. His smile dropped from his face. His face was pale and emotionless.

"I'm Liam Payne, your boyfriend."

Now it was my turn to go pale.

Who are you? Im Liam Payne, Your boyfriend.Where stories live. Discover now