Chapter 17 - Over Protective Much?

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I woke up with the sun shining bright in my eyes. I wouldn't've woken up if it wasnt for the annoying buzzing of Liam's phone. Of corse he didnt wake up so it was all on me. I reached my arm as far as I could and grabbed his phone. It wasn't a text, someone was calling. I looked over at Liam but he was still fast alseep, snoring lightly. I decided to answer it myself. "Hello?" I asked quietly into the phone. "Hi. Oh, sorry is Liam there?" I heard a voice ask. It was a feminine voice but I didnt know who it was. "Um, he is actually sleeping. May I ask whose calling?" I asked. "Oh sorry. This is Anne. I was calling about Maria. Is this Ashley?" She asked. "Yeah. I could wake Liam if you wanted?" I suggested. "No no, thats fine. He's a busy boy. Wow, I must've figured it was you, who else would be sleeping with Liam" Anne laughed on the other end. I felt myself blush, sleeping with Liam. "Ha, Yeah. Well would you like me to get him to call you back when he wakes up?" I asked. "That would be great. Oh and Ashley , Maria has been bugging me since you left, she misses you so much. She cant stop talking about seeing you today." Anne gushed. I found myself smiling, knowing that little Maria loves me. "Thanks. Well I better let you go. Bye Anne." I said. "Bye." She said before hanging up. I hung up and then was about to put the phone down when it buzzed again. Damn, why does Liam need to be so popular! This time it was a text message.

To Liam: Hey buddy, get up! We need to get ready, we are going for a photo shoot and meet and greet and need to leave in 2 hours. Dont be late! - Louis

I didnt bother messaging back. Instead, I went into his phone and set the alarm for an hour later. I set the phone back down on the table beside the bed and turned to face Liam. His flawless face was so peaceful. I wrapped my arms around his bare waist and I felt him shudder. My hands were cold, oops. I pulled him tighter to me and nuzzled my head into his chest. I felt him tangle his legs in mine and then he rested his chin on the top of my head but I never heard that light snore stop. That is what lulled me to sleep.


"Ashley, did you set the alarm?" I heard Liam ask me. He reached over top of me and grabbed his phone. I pulled Liam tighter to my body and groaned. "Im tired Li, please just shut it off." I huffed. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "Im sorry but you set the alarm for a reason. Lets get up hun." He said hugging me before sitting up. When he sat up, he took the blanket with him causing me to shiver. "Sorry." He laughed before covering me up with the blanket. He got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. I closed my eyes and just breathed in the beautiful scent of Liam Payne. "Cmon, please get up." Liam said coming back into the room and rummaging through his suitcase. "Liam, im tired." I groaned. "C'mon Ash." He said sitting beside me. "Fine." I pouted. I sat up and hugged Liam immediatly. "Whats that for?" He asked. "For last night. The carnival was . . . Amazing. Thats what that was for." I leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Well, maybe I should do that more often than." Liam winked at me. "Oh, Anne called. She wants you to call her back. And Louis texted you and said we need to leave in an hour. You have a photoshoot and a meet and greet in a while." I told him. "Okay I'll call her back right away. Why dont you go to Louis' room and thank him for helping me get you to that resturaunt last night?" Liam suggested. I nodded and skipped out of the room and over to Louis'.

"Sit down, sit down, I want all the dirty deets!" Eleanor squeeled as she took my hand in hers. "El, we didnt do anything dirty. We had a romantic night." I giggled. "Same thing! Get on with it." She urged. "I dont think I want to know about there personal life that way. I already know too much!" Louis interrupted. "Oh my gosh guys. Nothing happened." I rolled my eyes. "Well, we have about thirty minutes so start from the beginning!" El said taking a sip of her tea. "Well this doofus over here pushed me infront of him and it started out awkward but we started talking and joking around. Everything was just perfect. We spent the night at the Carnival and we watched the sunset. We went back to the room and cuddled till we fell asleep." I explained briefly. "Cuddled till we fell asleep. Really?" El bugged me. "Honest! Thats all that happened." I smiled. "Well that sounds so  amazing." She smiled at me. "And who do you have to thank for that!" Louis bragged. "Mr. Wonderful" I smiled at him. "Thats right babe! Now go back to your room and get changed. We have a long day ahead of us." Louis instructed. "Yes Sir!" I said marching out of the room.

Who are you? Im Liam Payne, Your boyfriend.Where stories live. Discover now