Chapter 16 - The Date

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"Liam?" I croaked as I stopped in my tracks. He looked nervous. "Just go," Louis pushed me lightly. I turned back to face him and glared but I know I look desperate. "Everything will be fine okay? Please just go." Louis whispered to me. I didnt really have a choice now did I? I slowly walked over to the table that Liam had set up for us. "Hi" I said in a small voice. "Thanks for not leaving." Liam said looking me up and down. "You look beautiful Ashley ." He said shyly. "Thanks." I muttered. We both sat down across from each other and kind of awkwardly stared. "I'll take your order. Im Taylor and I'm your waitress for the evening." Said the perky blonde girl. She couldnt've been older than me. "I'll take your drink orders for now." She said. "I'll have water." I said first. "Me too," Liam added. She scribbled something down in her notepad and happily skipped into the kitchen.

"Im sorry." He started. I nodded my head but wouldnt look up at him. "Please look at me." He pleaded. I looked up at him and fell into his gaze. "I know your sorry Liam." I said quietly. "Than why are you still so mad? Why are you ignoring me?" He said sadly. "I guess it just ticked me off and I needed space." I admitted. He nodded and was about to speak again when Taylor came waltzing in with our drinks and some delicious looking apetizers in her hand. "Here I have some Bruschetta. Its a traditional topping of roma tomatoes, fresh basil and extra-virgin olive oil. Served with toasted ciabatta bread. Enjoy and I will be back soon for your other order" She smiled before taking off. "Ash-" "Liam stop. I'm hungry and there's food infront of me" I laughed. "I can't  resist" I strained. He laughed and nodded, letting me eat.

"Oh my goodness. This Tiramisu is amazing!" I said eating the last peice of cake. I wiped my face and held my stomach. "Okay I understand that your trying to win me back, and we all know I'm a sucker for food, but did you really have to take me to a place where the food is so tempting? I am going to be so gigantic tomorrow its not even funny!" I chuckled. Liam laughed along and took my hand. "You're perfect. You always will be. Now, how about we go change into less formal clothing and head out for the second part of our date?" Liam suggested.

"Now that's the Ashley I know." He said pointing out my dark-washed skinny jeans and t-shirt. I feel so much more comfortable. "This is the Ashley I know best too." I smiled at him. "Lets go." He said taking my hand and leading me out of the resturant. "Um, you did pay right?" I asked looking back to the resturaunt. "Of corse, Im a popstar, not a criminal." He said squeezing my hand. "So where are we headed?" I asked hopping into his car. "Well, we are going somewhere fun. Thats my hint," He said smiling as he put the car into drive.

"Your kidding right?" I asked. I didnt know what else to say. "Are we  sneaking in?" I asked in a hushed tone. "Im Daddy Direction. I dont roll like that." He said in an american accent which made me crack up. "Hey, Jeremy." Liam called. A short older man walked up to the gate and unlocked it. "You two have fun. We still have all staff on deck to work the machines, the games and food consessions. You must be out by ten though." Jeremy informed us. "No problem." Liam said smiling at me. "Lets go." He took my hand. We walked through the gate and I stood in front of a large sign that read 'AMUSEMENT PARK' "Lets have fun okay?" I asked looking up at him. "Thats what I intend on doing" he replied.

"Ah!" I yelled as we went down the drop of doom for like the fourth time. Once we got to the bottom, I fixed my hair and looked at Liam. "Are you okay?" I asked. He was out of breath. "I-Im sorry." He said through his laughs. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. "I know, I know, I've been told before and you've told me about 10 times already, I look like a pregnant lady giving birth when I'm going down that ride" I imitated Liam's voice the best I could. "Yeah, you really do." He said. I chuckled. "Okay how about we go play a game?" I asked. He nodded and led me to that game you see everytime you go to a carnival. Knock down the three bottles. "I wanna go first." I stood my ground. The rowdy handed me two balls and said "You know the rules right pretty lady?" I shuddered. "Um, ew" I whispered in Liams ear. He protectively grabbed my hand and played with the bottom of my shirt. I've noticed that he did that alot. I grabbed the balls and took my shots. Nope. I pouted and then looked up to Liam. "Li, will you win me that big zebra?" I asked pouting at him. "Of corse." He puffed out his chest and knocked down all the balls. "Zebra please." He said. He handed me the stuffed animal and I kissed its head. "Oh my hero" I clutched my heart. "Do I get a reward?" He asked winking at me. "You sure do." I winked back at him. He closed his eyes and started to lean forward. I smiled as I stuck the Zebra in front of his face. It only took a matter of  seconds for Liam to pull back and frown at me. "Your gonna get it Rothesay!" He growled and winked at me before we both took off running.

"So, what do you and the boys usually do inbetween concerts while on the bus or planes?" I asked. We were now sitting on a bench sharing some cotton candy. I grabbed a piece of the pink fluffly candy and shoved it in my mouth. "Um, well we spend a ton of time sleeping. We play tons of video games and go on Twitter" He said plainly. "So normal teenage guy stuff. Sleep, play games, go on internet, back to sleep.," I laughed. Liam nudged me with his shoulder and then ate some more candy. "You know I didnt need to act on stage right? Im just self consious. It had nothing to do with not going on stage with you." I tried to explain to him. He smiled at me and said "Thanks. Im sorry for seeming so  depressed" He muttered. "Hey, it's okay. I understand. And Liam, dont forget that I care about you too. Forever and always." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I'll take an eight by ten." Liam ordered. We went on the log ride and when you go down the slope, they take your picture. Of corse Liam wanted to get it. I looked terrible. My hair was flying everywhere, I was screaming, my eyes looked like they were going to pop out of there sockets and my shirt was almost above my boobs. But Liam, well he looked like a 5 year old on the playground. "Thanks sir." Liam said wrapping the bag around his wrist. "This will be going on our dresser at home." Liam smiled at me. I nodded in agreement. "So, when is the next time we get to go back to our house?" I asked. "Well, we actually have a one week break next month so we can go home then if you want." Liam suggested. "Sure" I agreed. "Oh. Maria is coming to stay a night with us tomorrow. She really likes you. And I think you may just like her too, even with your 'kids are stinky and annoying' act" Liam smiled at me. I love Maria. I dont know what it is but my spirit is lifted when I'm with her. "She's so beautiful. And yes, I do love her" I admitted. "Hah, I knew it. Anyways, she will only be staying one night because the life of a popstar on tour on a small bus, is no life for a baby girl. Thats why Tom has Lux a lot." Liam said. I nodded and thought about Maria. Those big brown beautiful eyes. That brown mop of hair that flowed perfectly. That tiny nose. Those three freckles on her right cheek. Wait, how do I know that? "You wanna go on another ride?" Liam interupted my thoughts. I nodded and took his hand. I closed my eyes and tried to think back and picture Maria in my mind. I just let Liam guide me along.

"This is beautiful" I found myself speechless. We were at the top of the ferris wheel and there was a sunset in the east. "Its wonderful." I added. "Its nothing compared to you." Liam whispered in my ear and started playing with the hem of my shirt at the bottom. I leaned into him but didnt tear my gaze away from the sunset. I felt at rest. Peaceful. Worryless. Nothing else mattered. I could stay here, in this moment forever. Who needs anyone else when you have the one you love? "So, am I forgiven?" Liam asked. His voice startled me out of my day dreamy trance. "Of corse your forgiven. I dont want to fight with you Liam." I stated."I'd rather love than fight." I said smiling at him. "Than lets love" Liam said smiling at me. He pulled me in and kissed my forehead. "I love you Ashley." He said smiling at me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight. I leaned my head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat. The rhythm gave me peace. I stared out into the sunset and focused on the sound of his heart. The heart that only beats for me. "I love you too Liam."

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