Chapter 30- The Funerals and Flashbacks.

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*Ashley POV*

It's been two weeks since the boys had left and I was more confused as ever. I had been keeping in touch with Liam and dodging Niall's calls.

"We are leaving in ten minutes! Please meet us in the car!" My mom yelled up the stairs to my bedroom.

I rolled my eyes at my mothers instructions. She's been pretending to be a good mother for the past three weeks. I guess that was her way of grieving but I didn't approve one bit. I learned that I preferred the mother who was distant and only talked to me when it was to command me to listen to her. This side of her made me anxious. I didn't like the way she made me fresh coffee in the morning or how she did my laundry without a motive. It made me think she was using this as leverage for later in life so I would have to "pay her back."

I smoothed my dress down and brushed my hair once again. I didn't want to go to this funeral. It would mean saying goodbye and I still couldn't face the fact that Danny was dead.

I looked at my phone once more and found texts from Liam, Niall and Izzy. Liam was wishing me good luck at the funeral and reminded me again that he loves me. Niall was still begging for me to talk to him and Izzy was telling me that she was already at the funeral home waiting for me. I took at as a cue to get a move on.


"Daniel Fredrick Rothesay was loved and will be remembered by many. He is survived by two loving parents and a younger sister. Now Ashley, his younger sister would like to come up and say some words." The priest said, introducing us and letting me know that it was my turn to speak.

I slowly wiped the tears forming in my eyes and stood up, holding the speech I had written on a scrap piece of paper tightly. The silence sliced through me like a knife as I made my way onto the stage and placed my paper on the podium.

I took a deep breath, trying to prepare myself for what was going to happen next. I opened my mouth to speak but my throat closed, not allowing me to form words. I closed my mouth and cleared my throat. I breathed again and finally thought I would be able to speak. I gripped the side of the podium, so tightly I noticed my knuckles turning white.

"I would like to thank you all for joining my family and I in celebrating the wonderful life of my brother. It was cut way too short, and I am here to speak on behalf of him." I had gotten past the easy part, now I needed to hold tight through the stories and memories I was about to repeat.

"Daniel, I mean Danny- he would've given me a noogie for calling him Daniel. Anyways, Danny was such an outgoing and relatable person. This was shown in his multiple groups of friends." I looked around the room and saw all of his friends scattered into the exact groups I was speaking of.

"He was friends with his classmates in band. He secretly hated playing the flute, but continued to select band as an elective each year just so he could hangout with people like, Randal, Josh and Quill. He would come home each day and tell me I needed to take his flute away from him before he lit it on fire."

[A/N: when in italics, it is a flashback from memories she is going through in her head.]

"Goddammit! I hate you piece of shit!" I heard the yelling and slamming coming from downstairs, so I decided to go check it out.

"What the hell is going on?" I demanded as I entered the kitchen to find Danny taking off his coat and slamming his flute case onto the table.

"I cannot stand this stupid instrument. There is no use in it because it will never get me anywhere in life. I asked to change but Mr Talpa said that it was too late in the year for that." I could see the frustration in his face as he ranted on again about how he hated band.

Who are you? Im Liam Payne, Your boyfriend.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu