Chapter 9 - Blast From The Past

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Tanya slammed the door in my face and I was stuck there stunned. Confused was a better word to describe it. 'I stole Niall'. What did that even mean? Without even thinking I turned around and began hopelessly walking back to Izzy's. I continued to walk down the street with thoughts just flowing through my mind.

What did she mean? What about Niall? Did her and Niall have a thing? No,  I thought that he didnt have a girlfriend. How does she know Niall? What happened between them? What happened between us? I thought that we were the best of friends. She seemed so mad. Upset. Annoyed. Surprised.

All my thoughts got cut off when a car skidded to a stop and honked loudly at me. It was right then that I came back to reality and realized that I was standing in the middle of the street. I shook my head and ran over to the sidewalk.

I walked into Izzy's house and saw that Kim was watching some Gossip show. I set my coat on the couch and went into the kitchen. "There's some cake in the fridge" I heard Kim yell. I looked in the fridge and grabbed a piece. I walked upstairs and hopped on my bed. My mind was so boggled. My phone buzzed, for like the millionth time today. Liam just wouldnt shut up. I mean, I understand that we are 'dating' and I left but honestly, if I didnt answer you the ninteenth time, I'm not going to answer you the hundred and eleventh time. I rolled my eyes and unlocked my phone.

To Ashley - Hey. How are you? I miss you you know? Can we talk? Call me in the morning. Liam Payne

I quickly texted him 'ok' and then went downstairs to put my plate away. I got downstairs and stood in the doorway of the kitchen. I guess Kim went upstairs to bed. The only thing I saw was Izzy sitting on the counter with her legs wrapped around some guy. His back was towards me, so I couldnt tell who he was. I awkwardly stood there and then cleared my throat. Izzy quickly pulled away and looked at me, her face was tomato red but it wasnt her face I was staring at. "Ashley?" "Tyler?" We stuttered at the same time. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "How do you two know each other?" Izzy asked. "Were friends." Tyler said plainly. I nodded. "Oh." She said. We all stood there,it felt weird so I set my plate on the counter and ran upstairs. Izzy had a boyfriend? Since when? And it was TYLER?

There was a knock at the door. I got off my bed and opened the bedroom door. It was Izzy. "Hey" She said quietly. "Hey" I said. I opened the door fully and went to sit on the bed. "So," I started. "Sorry about earlier. I mean not used to having someone either that mom in the house" She said blushing again. "Its fine. Kind of weird to see my friend macking on her boyfriend I didnt even know about" I said honestly. "Oh yeah. I guess it slipped my mind. Me and Tyler have been dating for a year. How do you guys know each other?" She asked. "He was in the hospital when I woke up" I said. She just nodded. Her face lit up, like she just remembered something. "Oh yeah. Liam called the house phone while you were out. He's stopping by tomorrow," She said calmly. I huffed and looked at the clock. 12:49 "Okay well I need to go back to bed" I said and she left.

I woke the next morning and yawned. "Morning" I heard a cute voice with a strong british accent say. I yelled and fell off the bed. "Are you okay?" Liam asked pulling me back up. "Uh yeah. Sorry just not expecting to wake up and have someone sitting at the bottom of the bed. Sounds stalkerish dont you think?" I asked laughing. "Sorry" He blushed. "Its fine." I said. "Im going to hop in the shower." I added getting up. I walked to the bathroom and got undressed. While I was in the shower, I was thinking about what to say to Liam. Maybe ask him about Mia? Ask the other boys? Ask where the other boys were? How long he was staying? Maybe confronting him and demanding him he tell me about my past?

"Ready?" Liam asked as I walked in brushing my hair. "For?" I started. "To go home?" He asked looking dumbfounded. "What?" I asked. "Well, I was gunna ask, do you want to come back home, to our flat, with me?" He looked so sweet and so adorable. All the questions I wanted to ask him fled my mind. I nodded my head. Maybe this is what I wanted. I know it's what my body and mind subconsouisly was telling me. "Good, lets pack!" He smiled getting off the bed and handing me my suitcase. "Hold on there big boy. I need to brush my hair and talk to Izzy. Can we stay one more day? Sort things out?" I asked. "Of corse. As long as you need love" He smiled at me.

Who are you? Im Liam Payne, Your boyfriend.Where stories live. Discover now