Chapter 23 - Tanya's Past and New Beginning.

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"The boys are meeting us in an hour at Jimmy's Diner." I told Izzy and Tanya who were with me in my room. "Ew. Why are we going to Jimmy's?" Tanya groaned. "Because no one goes theres. The boys wont likely be spotted." I said in a duh tone. The girls nodded. "Okay girls. Let's get ready." I said opening my closet. I grabbed a pair of white short shorts with rips near the front pockets, and an Areopostle thin grey sweater. I ripped them off the hangers and tugged them on my body. Izzy grabbed a pair of my grey tights and just left the pink tank top she had on. Tanya was furiously digging through my drawers and closet. "Whoa there Tay." Izzy said patting her on the back. "No need to rush Tan." I said giggling. "I know, I just want to look good okay?" Tanya groaned as she took a seat on the bed in between me and Iz. "It's fine. We all wanna look good." Izzy laughed. "But, I've never met a famous person before. I want them to like me." Tanya just looked frustrated. I dont blame her, with her break up and all but, "First of all, dont think of them as famous people. It's really easy. They are just goofballs and they are like any other guys at our school, just way better looking." I said instructing Tanya, but also letting Izzy know as well. "And second, whats not to like Tann. You are tall, have nice long legs, beautiful blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. Honestly, your gorgeous Tanya!" I said trying to convince my bestfriend that she has to stop being so insecure. She huffed and just slumped further into her slouch. I sighed and walked towards my closet. I tilted my head and looked for something for my best friend to wear, and then I saw it. "Here. Put these on." I said handing her a pair of high waist black short shorts that were rolled up a couple of times and a light weight, white shirt with black polka dots that tied up in the front with a black bandeau underneath. "Um, okay." She said taking the clothes and putting them on. She looked cold and uncomfortable. "You look great." Izzy assured her. "Its fine." I said smiling at her. After about another forty minutes we finally left my house to meet the boys!

"I see him, I see him!" I said all giddy, pulling on Izzy's arm, as we walked by the window of the diner. The boys were sitting at a table away from the windows, but I could still see them. "Calm down Ash. Geez." Izzy said laughing at me. She's such a light weight party girl. I ignored my friend and ran into the diner. As soon as I pushed the door open, a little bell went off signaling that someone was coming or leaving the resturant. Once the little bell went off, Liam turned his head towards the door and stood up immediately when he saw me. I stopped and smiled at him before running and launching myself into his arms. "Hey love." He whispered in my ear as he pulled me tighter to him. I felt as if I had been holding him forever when I heard someone clear their throat. I pulled away from Liam and looked around at the group. "Are you going to introduce us or what?" Louis asked pretending to be annoyed. "Um, yeah sorry. Guys, this is Izzy and Tanya. Girls, this is Louis, Zayn, Harry, Niall and Liam." I said wrapping an arm around Liam's waist. "Nice to meet you girls." Harry said, obviously being flirty. Izzy giggled and brushed her hair out of her face. We all sat down and ordered our food. "So, I've never met a ginger before." Niall said all nonchalantly to Izzy. I kicked him underneath the table and I saw him wince. "Sorry." Niall muttered. "Its okay. I've never met anyone with an irish accent before so were even." Izzy laughed. I noticed that Tanya hadnt said a word yet. She was playing with her hair and looking at the table. "Tan, you okay?" I asked nudging her. The seating arrangment was Me, Liam, Tanya and Izzy on one side and Harry, Niall, Zayn and Louis on the other. "Uh, yeah im fine." She said trying to convince me even though it wasnt working. I tried to talk to her and tell her to have fun but she wasnt listening so instead I just engaged myself in the conversation of everyone else.

*Tanya's POV*

"That was such good food! You guys wanna go see a movie?" Niall said rubbing his belly as we all walked out of the diner. I felt like I wanted to run and hide. I'm not usually like this around people, even guys but it just felt different with them. They were all perfect, I mean literally. Then there's my friends. Izzy was the perfect height, 5'6 and Ash was 5'5 but i'm the awkward height of 5'9. I always felt like a giant. Then there's our hair. Izzy had wonderful red hair. She's a natural ginger and Ash has long flowy dark brown hair. My hair was a stringy, ugly blonde color. I've always felt a little insecure but when im with friends, I dont care. Everyone has flaws, I always reminded myself of that- but thats just it. I cant find any flaws with these boys. "That sounds great. What movies are out?" Izzy said happily. She seemed really comfortable with them, and she was just hanging out with all of them like regular people. Ash and Liam were attached at the hip, well and lips and then there was me. I was hanging back by myself. "I say we go see Dark Skies." Louis said popping in. I felt the sweat start to build up and I gulped hard. I hate scary movies. "Yes! Let's go!" Harry said fist pumping. "Okay, how about Me, Ash, Zayn and Izzy go in my car and the rest of you can go in Louis' car?" Liam suggested. What! Wait, Sydney wouldnt leave me to go by myself just cause her boyfriend suggested it. "Thats works. I'll meet you guys there." Ash has happily as she ran and jumped into the passenger seat. The rest of the gang ran into the cars, leaving me standing dumbfoundly in the parking lot. "You coming?" Harry asked leaning out the window."Yeah" I said in barley a whisper.

Who are you? Im Liam Payne, Your boyfriend.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora