Chapter 8 - Bad Daughter and Bad Friend?

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Kim and Izzy went to the mall and Izzy said that she'd bring me back something. I sat down on the couch and had to think of how I was going to do this. Who was I going to talk to first? What was I going to say? Well, I guess I will go to my parents first since I know where that is for sure.

I waited for the cab to drop me off outside their house. Hopefully dad would be at work right now. I strode up to the house and hesitantly knocked on the door. "Coming." I heard a yell. My heart started pounding. What was she going to? The door opened wide and I saw my mom drop the phone. Her mouth was wide open. I sheepishly looked at the ground. My mom quickly picked up the phone and said "I will have to call you back!" "Come in come in." She hustled me. I obeyed her and took a seat at the kitchen table. We were silent for a few minutes. "Would you like some coffee?" My mom asked. "Yeah sure. A double double." I replied. I took out my phone and saw that Liam wouldn't leave me alone.

To Liam: I'm okay. I'm safe. Please don't blame Niall. He didn't know about this. Don't worry about me .. - ash

"Here you go." My mom said handing me the steaming hot mug. "So. What are you doing back here?" My mom asked as if I just moved out and she didn't want me back. "Mom, I'm an eighteen year old girl, not a twenty five year old women thanks. And I needed to come back here. I need to be around a place that I'm comfortable and with people I trust." I explained. "And Liam was okay with that? What hotel are you two staying at?" My mom asked. "Erm, Liam kind of knows I'm here but he isn't with me, I left. I'm staying with a friend." "Hon, Liam is your boyfriend, he needs to know where you are! Don't worry him like that." My mom hushed. "What if I don't want him to know where I am?" I asked. "Why wouldn't you? I know you Ashley and yo-" "You don't know anything about me okay?" I yelled, setting my mug down on the table, trying not to spill it. "Kim was the only one there for me whenever I had problems and needed a mother. How old was I when I got my first boyfriend mom?" I quizzed her. "Ashley stop now. Your being childish." My mom scolded. "You're just avoiding the question and I am a child mom!" "Don't be so loud." My mom tried to hush me.

"Mom, why don't you want to remember Danny?" I asked quietly. "Excuse me?" My mom asked looking irritated. "Well, I don't see any pictures of either of us and his rooms gone. What would you like me to think mother?" I asked pointing out the obvious things. "Well-" "Exactly mom you just forget everything like it never happened and that just makes everything oka-" "Shut your mouth Ashley! You don't know what I went through when your brother died! You should, but you don't. You idiot. Than, you decided to get a pop star boyfriend and leave whenever you please. Oh but than you show up at my doorstep holding out a-" She yelled but stopped mid sentence. "A what?" My lip quivered. "It doesn't matter. I have a business conference in a bit and I must get ready. You're welcome to stay here or come to visit whenever you please. You should know the house code and I'm sorry if you thought I was a horrible mother but I did as good as I could with what cards I was dealt. If that wasn't enough for you, well than that's your problem now isn't it?" She stated sadly before turning around and walking to her room.

I escorted myself out of the house after my mom left. I walked down the street to a little cafe and I took a seat in the furthest booth from the front. I played with my hair and kept replaying my mothers words inside my head over and over and over.

"After Danny, you decided to get a pop star boyfriend and leave whenever you please, and than you show up at my doorstep holding a-"

"Um excuse me miss? Can I take your order?" I heard a voice cutting off the replay. I looked up to see a familiar face. "Hey you're the girl from the hospital right? Ashley is it?" The boy asked. I nodded and said "And you're Tyler?" I asked, recalling the memory. He nodded and smiled. "You want to take a seat?" I asked. He looked around the cafe. There was only a couple customers. "Sure," He said smiling. "So how are you doing?" I asked him. He took off his apron and said "Pretty good. It was only stupid low blood sugar. Whatever. What about you? Hows life going?" He asked. I barely knew him but I was glad that he was okay."Um, well life is hard right now. I don't remember anything, apparently I have a pop star boyfriend, hate a girl I don't remember meeting and there's some big secret that no one will tell me." I ranted but immediately felt bad for making him listen to me. "Sorry." I mumbled. He reached across the table and stroked my hand lightly. "Its completely fine. Can I get you anything to drink?" He suggested. "Hot chocolate please." I said smiling. I really needed this distraction.

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