Chapter 26 - Worst Sibling Ever- Bad Start As Well.

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*ashleys POV*

When I came around the next morning, I was laying in a puddle of my own drool. I groaned as I sat up and squinted my eyes. The light coming in from the blinds were just too bright for my liking this morning. I looked around the room and found Tanya and Izzy passed out together a foot away from me. I also saw the empty bottle of Alcohol laying on its side peeking out from underneath Izzy's leg. I stood up slowly, using the couch as something to keep me steady. The girls were still snoring so I decided not to wake them. I went to the fridge and pulled out a cold water bottle. After gulping down half the bottle, I took hold of the railing and pulled myself up the stairs and stripped down in the bathroom. I turned on the shower and tentitively stepped in. The hot water began to sting my skin but I knew it would make me feel better in the long run. After standing under the steamy water for ten minutes, I lathered up my hair and washed my body and face. I shut off the water, grabbed the towel that was hanging on the rack and wrapped it tightly around my chest, and tucked it under my armpits. I opened the bathroom door and the cold air sent a chill down my spine. I made my way silently to Izzys bedroom and sat on her bed. Im not sure if it was because I was desperate for more sleep or if it was the alcohol making me feel droopy, but I felt as if the matress was sucking me in and not letting me go. I was too tired and didnt have the energy to pull against it. I pulled the towel tight, kicked my legs over onto the bed and let my head fall onto the pillow before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

When I woke up the second time, I was still in a towel, curled up on the bed. I groaned at my pounding headache but got up anyway. I walked over to Izzy's dresser and started rummaging through her clothing, looking for something to wear. Me and Izzy were pretty much the same size so we always wore each others clothes. I grabbed a pair of white underwear, some white short shorts and a pink tank top. I threw them all on and started towards the stairs. As I went down the hallway, I passed Kim's room. She was still passed out all tightly wrapped up in her blanket. To my suprise, when I got downstairs, the girls werent asleep. They were sitting on the couch giggling. "Hey." I called out to them still holding onto the railing. "Hey. Last night was fun eh?" Izzy laughed holding up the empty bottle. I rolled my eyes and decided to be the mature one. I grabbed the bottle and threw it in the trash. Then I took a seat next to the girls on the couch. "Cmon. You cant say you didn't have fun. You were laughing as hard as the rest of us!" Tanya said with a huge smile plastered on her face. "Because you got me drunk you idiot." I mumbled, looking away from them. "Dont get your panties in a twist. Anyway, I better be getting home. My parents need me to be home soon. Miss Hagar is dropping off her kid for a bit while she goes out. A hungover babysitter. We'll see how well that goes over." Tanya laughed as she got off the couch, grabbed her bag and made her way to the door. "See ya later losers!" She called before she left. I slumped down into the couch and ran my fingers through my hair lightly. "Can I stay here until I, wind down I guess." I laughed at my choice of words. "Of corse. Make yourself at home. As usual." Izzy shook her head before going upstairs and starting the shower. I was just about to doze off again when I remembered that I texted Liam last night. Has he texted me back yet? I got off the couch and began searching around for my phone. I remembered having it last night.

I looked around the house for half an hour, tried calling it and everything. I just couldnt find my phone! "Izz!" I yelled up the stairs. "I cant find my phone." I screamed frantically not waiting for an answer. "Ill look up here." She yelled back. I fell back into the couch and groaned in frustration.

"I couldnt find it sorry. You can use mine if you need." Izzy offered handing me her phone. "Thanks." I said taking her phone and texting Liam.

To Liam: Hey bb. I cant find my phone :/ Anyways, Miss you. Call me soon? (On Izzy's phone ;P) - Ash

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