Chapter 20 - Finding Love

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Liam didnt text me the next day. I sat around all day thinking of Liam. I was so happy thinking about that. I waited for him to text me. I sat in the house all day staring at the television screen with Rusty at my feet. "Hey, you going to come out of your room?" My grandma called. "No. Im tired and lazy." I yelled back. I checked my phone once more before putting it on the bedside table. "Why hasnt he texted me hey?" I asked, petting Rusty. He just meow'd at me and then went back to sleep. I huffed and then cuddled up to the grumpy kitten.

I was woken up the next morning by my phone beeping extra loud. I opened the message and read it aloud. "Sorry I didnt message you yesterday. Band stuff. Anyways, want to hangout today? You can show me around? Anything fun to do in Toronto?" I smiled down at Rusty and jumped up and down on my bed. "He texted me, he texted me he texted me." I chanted. Rusty was meowing and hissing at me because I was making him uncomfortable. He was very grumpy this morning. I swear I heard some laughter so I called out "Aunty, stop eavesdropping!" I didnt get a reply but I heard footsteps quickly scurry off. I quickly texted Liam back before hopping in the shower.

"Hey!" Liam called as he saw me walking down the street towards him. "Hi." I said smiling as we started walking together. "Where are we off to today?" He asked. "Well, we are going to do a couple things. First, we are off to get some lunch." I instructed. "Okay where?' Liam asked. "Why are you so nosy?" I nudged him with my elbow. "We are going to Mcdonalds. Im craving a big mac." I stated. He laughed and nodded. "Lets go." I said linking arms and running down the street, dragging him with me.

"You are quite the eater." Liam laughed at me. "Thanks" I blushed. I've always eaten more than any of my friends or family. I just had a bigger appetite. "Now, lets go to the CN Tower!" I smiled up at him. "Sounds fun. Isnt that, the big big tall buillding?" He asked. I chuckled and nodded.

"Wow, that is really high!" Liam said. We were standing outside the CN tower staring up. "Are we honestly going up in there?" Liam asked looking down at me. "What you scared?" I teased him. "Me? Scared? Never." Liam said sounding like a super hero. "Than lets go!" I said opening to door. As we were climbing the stairs, I was telling Liam so facts about the tower. "The observation level, thats where were going, is 1,122 feet high" I said as I flew up the stairs. "Hold on" Liam said jogging up the stairs two at a time.

"This is beautiful." Liam mumbled as we looked over the city. "Thats exactly what I said the first time my aunty took me up here." I said looking over at him. "You know this place like the back of your hand dont you?" Liam asked me. "Yeah. I like it better here than I do my actual home" I admitted. "Why's that?" He asked. I shrugged. I dont really feel like telling Liam my whole story just yet. "You know you can tell me right?" He asked looking at me seriously now. "Lets go." I said walking over to the elevator. "I dont feel like walking all the way back down." I said as I stepped into the elevator.

"Well, its already eight. I guess we should be getting you home." Liam said as we walked down my street. We were silent the whole walk home. I guess I made it quite awkward after brushing him off. We stopped at my door and we stared at each other. "You wanna come in?" I asked. I think it took Liam a bit off gaurd. "Um, okay." Liam said. I opened the door and Liam stepped in. "Ashley? Is that you?" I heard my Aunty call. "Yeah its me." I called back. My aunt would be doing dishes and grandma will be asleep. "Cmon." I said grabbing Liam by the hand and pulling him to my room. We walked in and I shut the door behind us. "I'll be right back. Do you want a drink?" I asked. "That would be great." He said. I smiled at him before walking out to the kitchen. "How was your day?" Aunt Sheryl asked as she picked up a plate. "Good." I shrugged. I grabbed two glasses and filled them with water. "Whose over?" She asked. "Liam." I said starting to walk away. "Door open. I trust you Ashley. Dont challenge that." She warned.

I walked into my room and stopped when I saw Liam. He was holding a picture frame that was on my bedside table. I almost dropped the glasses. I quickly set them down and swiped the picture. "Um sorry." Liam said looking down. "No its okay." I sat down on my bed beside Liam and held the photo close to me. I felt the tears well up and I started to sniffle. "Ash? Are you okay?" He asked. I bit my lip to keep the sob from pouring out of me. I just shook my head. He scooted closer to me and looked down at me. I looked up at him and the first tear fell. "Come here." He said pulling me closer. He put his arm over my shoulders and hugged me tightly. I finally let it all out, there in Liam's chest. Once my crying became shallow I pulled back and looked up at him. "Im sorry." I said wiping my eyes. "Its okay." He said pushing a peice of hair out of my face. "I guess I have some explaining to do dont I?" I laughed a little. "Only if you want" Liam insisted. I pushed my hair back into a ponytail and leaned back so I was sitting against the bed frame. "This picture." I grabbed the picture and held it out to Liam - "Is of me and my grandfather." I explained. He nodded, just listening politely. "He died about a year ago." I choked out. I had to be strong. "Im so sorry to hear that." Liam said holding me close. "I just, I was so close with him. He was my rock in this crappy life. I mean I could tell him anything and I swear, I clung to him as my aunty pried me off him to ship me back home. I was a complete grandpa's girl. When he died, I think a peice of me died with him and a light went out. The brightest light in my life, it died." I sat there quietly. I was waiting for Liam to respond because I didnt really know what was going on in his head. "And then my parents, oh god my parents. They are terrible. They dont care about me, I swear they dont. And they've gotten worse since granddad died. Its just, their so cold. Thats why I like it better here." I admitted. It felt nice to get that off my chest. "They might not be here for you Ash. But I promise that I always will. Always. You can call me whenever you need okay?" He assured me. I nodded. We were staring at each other and I felt myself wanting to kiss him. He hold him and be with him, when my aunt barged in. "Oh, um I just wanted to let you know that Toby called. He said that you should go over to his house." My aunt looked uncomfortable. "Yeah I'll be sure to call him thanks." I mumbled. She closed the door and left me and Liam. "Well, that was awkward." I mumbled. "Moment wrecked." Liam chuckled. I laughed along with him. "So whose Toby?" Liam asked. I leaned back on the bed and said "Just my friend." "Oh okay. Well I better leave than. Dont want to keep him waiting." Liam smiled at me. "Thanks but dont worry about it. I really wanna stay here with you." I smiled back at him. "Okay." He said simply. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. I laid down on my side and nuzzled into my pillow. I felt the bed sink and Liam laid down beside me. I scooted closer to him and closed my eyes. It was nice to feel his steady heart beat on my back and his hot breath on my neck. It was comforting.

I awoke when I heard a knock at the door. I opened my eyes and looked up at my aunt who was smiling like an idiot. "Hun, its 10:30. You need to wake your friend and tell him its time to get going." She said happily. I nodded and watched as she left the room. I rolled over to face Liam. He was peacefully asleep and I felt so bad waking him but I knew that I had to. I was about to tell him to get up when I felt his strong arm drape over me and pull me closer. We were now nose to nose. He was still asleep though. I pulled my head back and said, "Liam. You have to wake up now." He stirred a little but remained asleep. I giggled to myself and called his name little louder. "What?" He moaned. "Yogotta get going. Its 10:30." I told him. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Oh. Yeah I should." He chuckled. We both got up and I walked him to the door. "I had a great day yesterday." I told him. "Yeah me too. Your a great tour guide." He complimented me. "And your a great cuddle buddy." I winked at him. "I try." He leaned down and kissed my cheek before walking down out of the house.

"Hey." I said into the phone as I sat down on my bed. "Hey, you should come over. My grandpa's alseep" Toby said in a flirtatious way. I could tell what he wanted. But the difference now was, I knew that I wanted. And that wasnt a flirtationship. I want Liam. He is the one I want. "Sorry Toby. We cant do this anymore." I said simply before hanging up.

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