Chapter 24 - Relationships Relationships Relationships

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*Tanya's POV*

"Wake up sweetie." I heard a calming, irish voice. I blinked my eyes open and saw Niall looking down at me, his arms were still wrapped tightly around me. "Morning." I said sitting up and stretching. "Sorry, I fell asleep and didnt want to leave you!" Niall said smiling fully. "Thank you for staying." I said getting up. "I'll be right back." I added quickly as I ran to my bedroom. I took off the tight clothing and changed into a pair of yoga pants and a blue sweater. I walked back into the living room and sat down next to Niall crossed legged. "You know, you're the first person i've ever told about what happened and about my, well-" I didnt say anything, just looked down at my arms. He grabbed my arm gently and wrapped it around his neck, pulling me onto his lap. I was hesitant but I climbed onto his lap anyway and wrapped my legs around his back. My arms wrapped around his neck and I stared into his stunning blue eyes. "Im glad that you confided in me." He said looking into my eyes. It felt like he was searching my soul. He licked his lips and started to lean in. I blinked once and then stared at his lips. He was so close to me when I pulled back and said "Niall." to get him to stop. He leaned back and looked at me. "Yeah Tanya?" He asked. "Im not ready for that yet." I said sadly. I really wanted to kiss him. I really did, but I just couldnt get myself too. What if I get hurt again? I cant risk it again! "Its okay. I understand." He said nodding before he pulled me to him and hugged the life out of me.

* Ashleys POV*

I woke up with Izzy at my side. We were on Izzy's couch. We fell asleep watching some sappy movie that I had  never heard of. I got off the couch and got myself a glass of orange juice. I took out my phone and smiled at the message from Liam.

To Ashley: hey baby. Wanna hangout today? Bowling alley down the street we can go to it'll be fun<3 Love you - Liam

I then called Tanya's phone. I hadnt heard from her since last night after we all rushed out of the theatre. We split up; Me, Liam and Louis; Than Harry, Izzy and Zayn. We all took seperate ways but we all ended up at the hotel room. Harry called Niall and he said that him and Tanya were okay. Liam drove me and Izzy back to her place and we had a sleepover. "Hello?" I asked as someone answered the cell phone. "Hi." Said a voice that was certainly not Tanya's. "Uh, is Tanya there?" I asked dumbfounded. "She's just in the bathroom at the moment." The voice said, and it hit me right than, that it was Niall. "Niall, what are you doing with Tanya?" I asked curiously. "Um, well, just chilling." Niall stuttered out the words. "Okay." I dragged on. "Can you get her to call me when she's free?" I asked Niall. "Mhm, see ya." Niall asked eagerly before hanging up on me. I grabbed my cup of juice and went back into the living room. I sat on the corner of the couch and started nudging Izzy. She groaned and then slowly opened her eyes. "What do you want asshole?" She said grumpily. Shes not a morning person at all. "Get up sleepy head." I said poking her nose and sticking my tounge out. "It's early." "It's noon Iz." She finally sat up and pulled the blanket around her back. "So, how'd you like the boys?" I asked eagerly. I was sitting crossed legged, bouncing up and down. "They seem like cool guys I guess." She said shrugging her shoulders. "Just okay! I mean, c'mon I saw you and Harry all flirty!" I said nudging her knee. "No. There is not and will never be something there." She said chuckling, shaking her head. Going to be honest here, I wish that Izzy would have gotten together with one of the guys because I think that would just be amazing to have a double couple! I knew that all my hope was on Izzy because she is more outgoing and Tanya, well she just seemed all anti social. "He's a great guy!" I said trying to convince her. She leaned over and patted my shoulder and said "Sorry Dory!" I sighed and then ran out of the room telling her that needed to get ready for my date with Liam.

"There's my beautiful girlfriend!" Liam said kissing my forehead. We agreed to meet at the bowling alley. "And there's my prince charming." I said poking his nose and smiling happily. "You ready to bowl?" He said looking down at his feet. He already had his shoes on. "Aw, you look like a clown!" I said laughing at him.We went over to the counter and got me some shoes as well. We went over to our lane and Liam got the computer screen thingy ready while I tied my laces. "You ready?" Liam said standing in front of me. I nodded and stood up. "Watch how the pro does it baby." I said winking at him as I grabbed a ball and stood at the top of the lane. I took a deep breath and then I threw the ball and it went right into the gutter. I turned around and saw that Liam was holding in a laugh. "Im not done yet! I still have another two balls!" I said as I grabbed the next one and this time I hit three pins down. On my last ball I got the other two down. "Look at that" I said doing my stupid duck lips. "My turn." Liam said walking past me and throwing his ball. Strike. "Maybe this wont be a fun game." I said smiling at a very proud Liam.

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