Chapter 4 - Who's Mia?

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I woke up the next morning with a hand around my waist and may I say, Liam had a pretty tight grip. I lifted his arm off me and sat up. I checked my phone and saw a good morning message from my mom and I check the time. 10:36am. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. After I flushed the toilet and washed my hands, I fixed my hair. I threw it in a ponytail and then went to find some food. I walked into the kitchen silently and saw a butt sticking out of the fridge. Wow that person sure really likes the fridge. "Ahem." I said pretending to clear my throat. "Ouch." The person winced as they hit there head. I stood there staring at the figure waiting to find out who it was and, well mostly to get some food. "Sorry." I mumbled as I saw Niall get out of the fridge. "I was trying to find more syrup. I finished the old one." He said blushing. Aw, he was kind of cute when he blushed. "Oh. Sorry, I was just hungry and wanted to get something to eat." I said as I leaned against the counter. "You want some pancakes?" He asked. "I'm making some for myself right now." He added, noticing my hesitance. I nodded my head and said that I'd be watching TV. I quickly went back to the room and grabbed my cell phone. Liam was still sleeping, snoring very lightly and I didn't want to wake him. I went back into the living room and sat on the couch. I checked my phone and decided to text my mom and izzy.

To Mom - Morning. Yeah, I had a good sleep. The boys are very welcoming. I just wish that you wouldn't of sent me off so quickly. I barley know who they are and you sent me away with them. You and dad were the only ones I fully trusted. Thanks.

To Iz - Morning. Get up sleepyhead (:

"Its ready!" Niall screamed. I ran into the kitchen and sat down at the island. I cut into my pancake and took a huge bite. "Mmm." I mumbled with a full mouth. I lifted my head and quickly wiped my face. "Do I still have something on my face?" I asked, noticing that Niall was staring at me with a huge smile. He shook my head and his smile faded. He turned his attention back to his food. I don't know what it was but something was off about him. Did we not have a good relationship before? Were we super close like I was with Louis, or maybe hes upset about me forgetting about him? Maybe h- "Hey why didn't you wake me for pancakes?" Liam asked sitting down next to me. "Sorry." I said with a full mouth. "Slow down there love. There's plenty more where that came from. I can cook you more." Liam said rubbing my back gently. I smiled and shoved more food in my mouth. I poked a piece with my fork and held it out to Liam "You want some?" I asked. He smiled and said "Wow, you're already sharing you food with me. That took months the first time around.", before taking the food in his mouth. I blushed at the moment of the past and then continued eating.

"Okay, me and Harry are headed off to the beach, and yes Liam, we are taking security. You wanna come Niall?" Louis asked. "The beach? Yeah sure. Just let me go get some trunks." Niall replied. "Zayn? Wanna join?" Harry asked. Zayn just shook his head and said, "Nah, I think I'm just going to spend the day in my room." He seemed kind of gloomy. I made a mental note to ask Zayn what was wrong and to cheer him up. "I'm going to show Ashley around. We will be back for dinner. Then I'm heading out." Liam announced. The boys all nodded and headed to wherever they were going. I went back to the room and got dressed.

"You presentable?" Liam asked knocking on the door. "Yeah come in." I said throwing my shirt over my head. "You ready to go?" He asked sitting on the bed. "In a moment, I just need to do something. You wanna go and grab my phone? Its on the island." I said. Liam nodded and headed out the door. I walked down the hall and over to the room I thought was Zayn's. I knocked on the door and waited for a response. Nothing. This time I grabbed the door knob and opened the door. Zayn was laying on his bed with his headphones plugged in. He looked up immediately and took his headphones out. "Oh hey." He said. I moved closer and sat on the edge of the bed. "You wanna come out for the day with me and Liam?" I asked. I didn't want him to sit at home alone all day. "Nah, I don't think Liam would appreciate me barging in on your plans." He said shaking his head. I rested my hand on his foot and said "I don't care what Liam would appreciate or not, I'm asking you. I want you to come." I said smiling at him. "Okay, yeah sure." He said nodding his head. "Ill be outside in a minute." He said. I nodded and then happily skipped out of the room. I heard Zayn chuckling as I left. I walked into the living and saw Liam sitting on the couch. "You ready?" He asked standing up. "Just a minute. Zayn's coming with us." I said grabbing his hand. "Why is he coming?" He said in a tone that I didn't like very much. I dropped his hand and crossed my arms over my chest. "Because I invited him." I said defensively. "Okay okay. Calm down. I didn't mean it in a mean way." He said soothingly. He reached for my hand and I reluctantly gave it to him. "You sure didn't sound happy about it. Sure, I don't know him that well, heck I don't know you that well, but I want to get to know him, try and remember and I don't want to let him sit in his room by himself all day." I said. "You're right. I'm sorry. I just thought we would have the day together." "Well, now we will have a day together with Zayn." I said standing up straight. Liam nodded and laughed at me. "You're too cute." He said quietly. I looked at the ground blushing. "Hey guys I'm rea- Oh." Zayn said walking in. "Hey. Lets go." I said dropping Liam's hand and running out the door. "She sure is something else." Zayn said to Liam, who laughed agreeing with him.

Who are you? Im Liam Payne, Your boyfriend.Where stories live. Discover now