Chapter 6 - An Interview and Some Information

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About three hours later Ashley fell asleep. I slowly got up and covered her tightly. I didn't want her to be cold. I walked out to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I went into the living room and plopped onto the couch beside Harry. Louis was on the loveseat curled up with a blanket. "Thanks for barging in guys." I scoffed and took a bite of my apple. "Sorry mate. Just wanted to make sure it was safe to come home." Louis laughed. I grabbed the nearest pillow and chucked it at him. "So? It was that quick huh?" Harry asked winking at me. I glared at him and said "We just talked and watched TV okay?" I was irritated. "Okay Li. So when are you guys going back to your flat?" Louis asked. "What you and Harry want to flat to yourselves? Or is it that you want to get El over here as fast as you can." I said looking at Louis with a smirk. "Both." Louis said smiling widely. That cheeky, cheeky boy. "Okay well, I am going to call Mia and tell her goodnight." I said getting up. "Tell her that we all miss her. She is going to have to come here soon. We all need to see her." Harry said looking kind of sad. Him and Mia were pretty close but Niall and Mia were the closest of all of us. That really actually hurts because Niall doesn't know that h- "Okay mate, goodnight." Louis butted into my thoughts. I nodded and walked into the room and grabbed my phone. I glanced at Ashley and smiled before leaving the room.

*ashleys POV*

I heard the door closed and I jolted awake. All I could hear was Tan's voice was ringing inside my head. I rubbed my temple and sat up in bed. My mouth felt really dry so I decided to go out and grab some water. I headed down the hallway. I stopped when I heard a familiar soothing voice. I stopped outside Zayn's door and listened. I know that I shouldn't be eaves dropping but I felt the need to. "I love you too hunny. I hope you have a good night. I know its late and you should be in bed. Don't want you losing sleep. I love you Miapia. I miss you. I'll come see you again soon. Maybe tomorrow I'll come out for the day with you're Harry? You're my favorite girl. Love you boo." It was Liam. He was talking to that Mia girl. Why couldn't he just be happy with me? I know I should be confronting him but I cant. He wont tell me anything as it is. It would be better if I just kept to myself. I walked straight back to the room and laid in bed silently.

I was still awake when Liam came in about an hour later. "Hey your awake?" Liam asked laying down next to me. I tensed up and I knew that he could feel it. "What wrong?" He asked. "Nothing okay. I'm just going to lay out on the couch. I need space." I said getting out of the bed and pulling on some spank's and tugging off Liam's shirt. I threw it in the corner and grabbed one of my tank tops. I walked out of the room and headed for the living room.

I walked out and saw Harry sitting on the couch watching TV. "Hey I thought you'd be sleeping by now." I said walking over to the love seat and laying down. "Nope. Cant sleep." Harry said, stretching his arms out. "Well, I felt crowded so I came and I am going to sleep out here." I stated curling onto the love seat. "Yeah I'm sleeping out here too. I'll shut off the TV, night Ash." Harry said as the room went dark.

I woke up in the middle of the night and I felt all achy. The way I had been laying really didn't agree with my back or any of my muscles. I stood up and stretched. I grabbed the blanket off of Harry and I saw him shiver. I felt bad but if I was going to be laying on the wood floor, I needed at least one blanket. I wrapped the blanket around me like a cocoon and just thought about what I was going to do now.

"Aw look at that angel face." I heard someone snicker. "Sweet cheeks." I heard another voice. "Isn't she perfect?" One said. "She stole my blanket!" I knew that one was Harry. I opened my eyes to see five boys standing above me. I guess Zayn had gotten back this morning. They all looked as if they had been up for hours. "What time is it?" I asked groggily. "Its 12:30." Niall said as he walked away and headed down the hall. He seemed so distant from me. There was still so much I wanted to figure out. "Time to get up." Louis said lending me a hand. I took it and he pulled me up effortlessly. "What are you all doing today?" I asked wanting to see if Liam and Harry are going to Mia's house. "Well, we have an interview to do. Then me and Harry are going to a family friends house for the day. I don't know about the rest of the boys." Liam said informing me. I nodded. A family friends house. "I'm going to see El." Louis said. "Whose El?"I asked. Louis looked dumbfounded. "I cant believe it slipped my mind to tell you. Eleanor is my girlfriend." Louis said proudly. I smiled and nodded. "I'm hanging around the house. Maybe do a little shopping." Zayn said fixing his hair in the nearest mirror. "And I plan on eating all day in front of this TV. Maybe I'll do a Twitcam." Niall said. They all nodded and then Liam said it was time to go. The boys piled out of the flat when Liam called out "Turn to channel 248 in an hour." I went to the TV and changed it to the channel waiting for the boys interview to start.

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