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When Sehyoon and his men reached the warehouse it was dead silent. Dusk was setting in, the dusty purple sky reminded him of a bruise. Or a wine stain. Or a blood stain.
The purple was tainting, filling his broken heart with an undeniable sense of betrayal and love.

His chest ached painfully as he silently motioned to his men. With an array of hand signals he silently ordered four men to lead, guns ready to let led fly with the twitch of a finger. Six others fanned out, surrounding the building and blocking all known ground level exits. One man stayed behind per car, one medic each as well. As Sehyoon and his four men entered through the front doors two men took guard posts behind them.

Inside he was met with silence. Cold and endless, shadows clung to the walls like drapes pulled shut tightly: encompassing everything in a tar black. Guns were pulled and flashlights turned on. Slowly Sehyoon and his team worked their way into the abandoned warehouse. As much as his heart was begging him to run headfirst in and find Byeongkwan as quickly as possible, his brain was keeping him from costing the lives of his men. Brash behavior of one team member always resulted in the loss of at least two other lives.

The footsteps of Sehyoon and his men echoed eerily, throwing their senses into high gear. Anticipation for a gun fight raced in their veins, teasing their sadistic side. They crept through the warehouse like a jaguar in the jungle, every nerve high strung.

They met no resistance along the path to the room Byeongkwan was discarded in. Two men took the doors while Sehyoon and the other three cleared the room. Sehyoon held his breath as he walked over to Byeongkwans body, all of his desire to find the man had suddenly disappeared as if he didn't want to face the reality of what had happened.

He holstered his gun, pulling a knife out of his pocket as he fell to his knees beside Byeongkwans body. Just as he was getting ready to gently turn the broken man on his side to cut him free Byeongkwans eyes cracked open.

"Oh hey..." Byeongkwan croaked, a weak smile on his busted lips, "you found..you found me..."

"Of course I found you, why wouldn't I? Now, I'm going to have to move you to get you untied okay, its gonna hurt a bit honey." Sehyoon murmured, gently brushing some of Byeongkwan hair from his face.

"I know you..you found those documents of people with my face but a different name...jason...koi...Byeongkwan...you want answers...I was...was afraid they would scare you off...make you think I've..I've been lying to you..." Byeongkwan croaked in pain as Sehyoon shifted him onto his side.

"I did find them and they did surprise me, but I trust you to explain them in full to me once you're all healed up. Now, Jun warned me about an ambush so leaving here is going to be rocky, do you still trust me?" Sehyoon said, pocketing his knife once Byeongkwans restraints were cut.

"My...my trust..never...never once...faltered..." Byeongkwan slurred, falling back into the depths of unconsciousness.

Sehyoon grimaced as he pulled Byeongkwans arms out from behind his back, mangled wrists and rope-burned forearms lighting a fire of pure hatred within the mafia man. Sehyoon set Byeongkwans arms on the mans chest gently, wary of how he handled the broken appendages. His stomach rolled uncomfortably when he got to moving Byeongkwans legs. His knees were so mangled he was worried that he would have trouble carrying the former moll out of the wearhouse.

Sehyoons hands shook as he straightened Byeongkwans legs out, stomach rolling. There was only one way to get Byeongkwan out of here since he - the brilliant planner - had forgotten a stretcher. Sehyoon took a deep breath, mentally distancing himself from the situation to get the task at hand done. With a stoic expression plastered like a Halloween mask he picked up Byeongkwan, cradling him to his chest.

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