.34. (NEW - mature - NEW) .34.

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"How do you want to repay me, princess?" Sehyoons eyes darkened in the unmoving car. The tension between the two was drawn taunt, words like knives to that gentle, invisible, thread.

"How do you think, Sir?"

"Byeongkwan, princess, I do not want you to repay me with your body. I don't want you to think you have to repay me with your body because I took you out or if I do anything for you." Sehyoons face was stern, his hand squeezing Byeongkwans thigh still.

The other man was silent, staring down at the hand on his thigh. Sehyoon could see the gears turning in his head as he processed those words.

"Now, that doesn't mean I don't want to have sex with you. I'd love to get to worship you and destroy you all at once, but I don't want you to feel like you have to just because I want to or you think you have to repay me. Does that make sense, princess?" His tone softened, and he gently took Byeongkwans hand and squeezed it.

The man nodded slowly, eyes locking onto the clasped hands. Clearly, no one had ever told him that. It took a couple minutes for Byeongkwan to reply, but when he did it made Sehyoons heart swell with adoration.

"Thank you."

A groan came from abused lips as Byeongkwan was shoved against his closed door, Sehyoons fingers in his hair and under his shirt. His body was on fire from both the lack of oxygen and the electricity in Sehyoons touch. His body had submitted to him entirely a long time ago, though that didn't stop his naughty mouth. When Sehyoon started to press rough kisses to his sensitive neck, Byeongkwan started to sass him.

"Gonna try to worship me and destroy me tonight, Sir?"

Sehyoon chuckled deeply, lips pressed against pale skin. He pulled back from marking up Byeongkwans neck and locked eyes with the camboy. With one hand he pulled the heavy coat from Byeongkwans shoulders by the back, it fell to the floor with a dull thud - the heavy gun giving the already heavy coat more weight. With his other hand he took a fistful of red hair and yanked Byeongkwans head back, forcefully exposing his pale throat.

"Oh, princess, I think I might just have to simply destroy you tonight and worship you in the morning. "

Byeongkwans knees almost gave out, the demanding and authoritative tone trying to get his mind to submit to the mafia man. His skin was on fire, breath labored. He knew he looked like a mess already, lipgloss smudged and smeared all over Sehyoons lips and neck. A devilish smile pulled its way onto his lips.

"Do your worst."

Sehyoon stripped Byeongkwan of his clothes at the front door, down to nothing but the silver jewelry on his pale body. A wicked smile spread on his face as he rid himself of his shoes and jacket. He hung his shoulder holster on the coat hooks, unbuckling one of the clasps on one of the guns - just in case.

"Show me to your bed first, princess."

Byeongkwan was thrown onto his bed, laughter falling from his lips in the process. Sehyoon chuckled, pulling his tie loose and unbuttoning his shirt. Sehyoon crawled on top of Byeongkwan, undressed down to his suit pants. He pressed kisses to Byeongkwans chest, working his way up as he moved. When he got face to face with the camboy he stopped kissing.

"Do I have your consent, princess?" He whispered, hands resting on either side of the pale man's face.

Byeongkwan smiled, looping his fingers through the belt loops in Sehyoons pants.


Both of them smiled, holding eye contact the entire time. Sehyoon took his belt and looped it around Byeongkwans wrists, tightening it securely.

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