.39. (NEW) .39.

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Byeongkwan woke to an empty bed and the smell of coffee and pancakes. Smiling as he stretched in an extremely cat-like way, moaning as his spine popped and cracked. Sitting up and rubbing his eyes, Byeongkwan hummed and enjoyed the sunshine on his skin. Shoving himself off of his bed, he stretched again and then made his way to the tiny kitchen.

He was met with Jun sitting at the table, staring down into his cup of black coffee. Smiling at his friend, Byeongkwan pulled a mug out of the cupboard and poured himself a cup of coffee. Forgoing creamer, Byeongkwan sipped on the scalding liquid.

Resting against the counter edge, he hugged the cup to his chest and let his eyes rest on the wall in front of him. Sighing in annoyance, realizing that he was going to miss the nasty off-white color of his apartment walls.

"Today is Donghun and I's one year mark and I have something planned for us today so I'm going to head out early." Jun said, eyes still trained on his mug.

Byeongkwan smiled and hummed, "Not a problem Jun.I know you want to help me find a new place, but it's probably best if I find this one myself. The less people know about it the better, since that fucker keeps finding me. Have a wonderful day, I wish both of you the best."

Nodding, Jun stood up and went to change. Byeongkwans eyes dropped to the tiled floor, noticing the patterned placement of the blue and gray squares. Byeongkwan hated moving, he had grown quite attached to this apartment. This is the longest he's been able to stay in one place so a lot of memories have been made inside these walls.

He started his camboy job, he and Jun had their first full boys night in six years, and he and Sehyoon had their first night together here. So many firsts and new beginnings had happened in this place, and he didn't want to let it go. But deep down inside, he knew that he had to. There was no other choice but to move.

Jun came back through the kitchen dressed and grabbed his bag. Nodding to his friend, Jun murmured a goodbye as he slipped out the door. Byeongkwan laughed to himself as the door clicked shut, rolling his eyes as he sipped his coffee.

Seemed as if the two of them were both out of it because of some man today.

A couple of days had passed since Jun had been over to Byeongkwans, and the boy was now up to his ears in cardboard boxes. Heaving a sigh as he winced at the scream of packaging tape being ripped from its roll, he taped together yet another box. God, when did he get all of this stuff.

This box was for all of his beloved photo albums and high school mementos. Year books full of hateful messages and numbers from boys and girls alike, though he never called or texted them. Photo albums with pictures of him and his mother and Jun, dance group photos and photos he should really just burn.

Stacking them into the box he questioned why he still kept them.

Then it hit him.


He was afraid to forget everything and everyone like his mother.

Speaking of his mother, he should really go visit her. His mother was living in an assisted home for those with memory issues. Back when he got shot something in her mind snapped. As a form of self preservation her mind forgot her son. She had no memory of him past the first day she met him again a year and a half later as a guest at the memory care home she found herself living in - in fact she couldn't remember anything before the day she moved into her room.

Putting that thought on the back burner of his mind, he went through the motion of putting boxes together, filling, then labeling and tapping them shut.

Luckily, he had found a small one bedroom one bath apartment on the other side of town the other night. It was an affordable price, had a horrible view compared to this one, and the landlord was okay with him paying under the table - as he too understood the importance of security and secrecy.

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