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The two walked hand in hand into the tattoo parlor, Sehyoon eyeing the grungy exterior of the building.

A simple sign hung above the doorway, bolted into the dark bricks of the small building. In block letters the name read 'Dee's Drawings: This Shits Permanent'.

Byeongkwan pushed open the red door, smiling at the door chime. Leading Sehyoon to the counter, Byeongkwan kept a tight hold on Sehyoons calloused hand. Ringing the bell on the counter in an offbeat pattern, Byeongkwan rocked on his heels before leaning into Sehyoons side.

A couple of minutes lapsed before a small figure slipped out from behind a black silk curtain behind the counter. The person was dressed in black cropped t that was obviously two sizes too big, revealing a stretch-marked and tattooed pudgy stomach. Black ink crept down the persons arms, intricate details of small and thick lines.

Dee was of short stature, a mere five foot two inches and heavy set for their size. Their hair was long, pulled up into a tight bun. Bangs framed their face of childish features, leaving pierced ears visible. A pair of wire framed, thick lensed, glasses were set high on Dees nose.

"Hey, kwan, my man!!" They exclaimed, a bright smile that made their eyes disappear blossomed.

Byeongkwan smiled back just as brightly, waving his free hand enthusiastically.

Dee giggled, "Why don't you and your partner head to the back and I'll close up the front."

Byeongkwan nodded and pulled Sehyoon along behind him, leading his through the black curtain Dee had previously came from.

The two weaved through a dark hallway till they came to another red door. Byeongkwan twisted the silver knob and pushed it open, revealing a big room.

The room was brightly lit, with concrete flooring and black walls that made the room feel even bigger. The stark white ceiling was studded with flags of all sorts.

One single tattoo station was set up against the far wall, armed to the nines with the best equipment and lighting. The middle of the room was covered with a massive rug, pillows and cushions and various blankets were scattered about.

The wall to the left was covered in a mirror, drawings both taped to it and drawn straight onto the mirror. The wall to the right had a door, and was covered in shelving.

Byeongkwan took a seat at on the bench at the tattoo station, patting the empty space beside him. Sehyoon silently sat down, keeping Byeongkwan close to his side. Smiling at the mafia mans actions, Byeongkwan wrapped an arm around Sehyoons waist and pulled him even closer.

Sehyoon sighed and rested his head against Byeongkwans chest. A couple seconds later Dee entered the room from the red door. Cooing quietly at the two men sitting on the tattoo bench, Dee walked around to their table and grabbed a pair of gloves.

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