.33. (NEW) .33.

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Sehyoon drove to the restaurant, one hand on the steering wheel and the other high on Byeongkwans thigh. When they finally reached their destination, the beauty of the store stole Byeongkwans attention away from the man beside him.

"It only felt right if I took you to my family's restaurant on our first date, I hope you enjoy it princess." Sehyoon said softly, rubbing his thumb on the side of the man's thigh.

"It's beautiful. " Byeongkwan said softly, enamored at the building's beauty before him.

Sehyoon shut the car off, getting out and walking over to open the door for Byeongkwan. The smaller man gave him a smile, taking the hand Sehyoon had extended out for him. Twinkling lights were reflected in Byeongkwans eyes, filling the dark void with stars of a rare beauty. Sehyoon was entranced.

The building was small, all glass, and nestled against a side of a massive skyscraper. Its black frame was a typical triangle set atop a tall rectangle, much like a kid's drawing of a house – the one to be displayed upon the refrigerator or hung in the school halls. It was the perfect size for a little cozy place to eat and relax, and didn't match the outfit requirements. But that thought didn't cross Byeongkwans mind twice, he loved to dress up for no reason. A few tables were set outside, a calm aura surrounded the area. Outdoor lights were strung between trees and poles, emitting a warm glow.

Sehyoon led Byeongkwan to the door, opening it and letting the smaller step in first. They were greeted by an older woman with brilliant silver hair and a massive smile on her face. The restaurant itself was empty, chairs stacked on their respective tables. A few people sat on the tables outside but they were passerbys resting their feet, girls holding heels or lovers holding hands.

"Sehyoon and his partner, perfect timing! Follow me, your table is ready." Her voice was bright and easy on the ears, and her words brought a blush to both faces.

She led them through a door behind the counter, through a dark hallway, and to an elevator. The innards of the little restaurant smelled like flour and antibacterial cleaners. Pushing the up button, she stepped back and spoke.

"When you get in, press number 35, another server will take you to your table. Enjoy!"

And with that, she bowed and turned on her heel and disappeared into the dark.

Sehyoon turned to Byeongkwan and smiled, squeezing the man's arm with his own. He could tell that Byeongkwan was disheartened with not being able to eat at the little restaurant at the floor level, but Sehyoon hoped that he would enjoy what was to come more. The elevator dinged and the doors opened, and as they stepped in Sehyoon spoke for the second time since he picked Byeongkwan up.

"I promise that one day I will take you back here for breakfast on the first floor." He spoke softly, catching Byeongkwans eyes and keeping contact.

At those words Byeongkwan beamed, leaning into Sehyoons side.

"I'd like that. Glad you'd like to go on another date with me in the future."

"Why wouldn't I?" Sehyoon questioned, quirking an eyebrow.

"Well, I assume you've dragged up all you can about my involvement with the mafia world as a moll. That tends to scare people off, or get me into trouble." Byeongkwan said, almost as if it was a joke - trying to make light of the reality of what he had lived through.

"Well, as the son of a mafia boss, it'll take a lot more than that to scare me off. Yes, I had someone drag up your ties with the mafia and what you did. But that's it, nothing personal about you besides the stuff that could cause internal problems if I were to get involved with you."

🄲🄰🄼🄱🄾🅈 18+ - wowkwan -Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant